Starfleet Uniforms
Annotations & Trivia:
These uniforms (nicknamed "monster maroons") were
originally designed by Robert Fletcher. Nilo Rhodis-Jamero was
responsible for new designs and alterations in Star Trek V: The Final
Frontier, Dodie Shepard for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and Robert Blackman
for the TNG alterations.
The 2280s duty uniforms were worn in Star Trek II-VI,
Star Trek: Generations, and the TNG episode "Cause and Effect". The
2330s duty uniforms were worn in the TNG episodes "Tapestry" and "Dark
Page". These uniforms had the turtleneck shirt replaced with a crewneck
shirt. The 2340s duty uniforms were worn in the TNG episodes
"Yesterday's Enterprise" and "Family". The division-coloured shirt was
now gone and so was the belt.
Female officers could optionally wear a skirt instead of
the pants. This was first seen in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
Flag ranks had a narrow gold soutache next to the black
wool border of the front flap. In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered
Country, a second gold soutache was added to the uniform of the
Aides wore a gold aiguillette, an ornamental braided
cord, on their left shoulder. Another accessoire was a boatswain's pipe
(or bosun's whistle) on a lanyard as seen in Star Trek II: The Wrath of
Khan and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
The shoulder strap closing the tunic of commissioned
personnel terminates on the back of the right shoulder in a round silver
colored electronic security clearance device which allows its wearer
free access to locked and restricted areas for which he has been
specifically authorized. Consequently not all these electronic decoding
keys are the same shape. These devices were wheels from model tank kits.
Enlisted personnel did not wear a uniform jacket like
commissioned officers but a jumpsuit. A black turtleneck denoted
enlisted personnel, while a red turtleneck denoted enlisted trainees.
The jumpsuits were not worn by cadets as some official
publications claim. The jumpsuits were redresses of the TMP uniforms and
stayed basically the same through all appearances. Name plates were
added in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, probably to allow
Scotty to identify Yeomen Burke and Samno when their bodies were
discovered. In the TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise", enlisted
jumpuits appeared withouth name plates and Starfleet insignia. The
absence of the name plates is explained by the fact that the episode was
produced one year before Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Whether
the lack of Starfleet insignia was intentional or an oversight remains a
TNG Yesterday's Enterprise |
The bomber jacket was worn by Fleet Admiral Morrow in
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, by Captain Montgomery Scott in Star
Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and by Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek V:
The Final Frontier.
 * |
- The field jacked was introduced in Star Trek II: The Wrath of
Khan and later reused in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
- The field uniforms for ground combat and assault missions were
introduced in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Commanding officers
would wear a differently coloured uniform with a cut-out turtleneck
* |
The protective suits were introduced in Star Trek: The
Motion Picture and with some modifications reused in Star Trek II: The
Wrath of Khan and subsequent movies. Black rubber collars denoted
commissioned officers and enlisted personnel while red rubber collars
denoted officer cadets and enlisted trainees. As specified in Bob
Fletcher's sketches, a red protective suit was worn by emergency fire
workers. This suit first appeared in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. A
modified protective suit with a turtneck collar instead of the rubber
collar was introduced in Star VI: The Undiscovered Country where it was
worn by the two Starfleet personnel who assassinated the Klingon
Chancellor Gorkon. Another relict from Star Trek: The Motion Picture was
a protective suit for maintenance workers. This suit appeared in Star
Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in a scene outside of the bridge simulator.
* |
Medical uniforms were introduced in Star Trek II: The
Wrath of Khan. Doctors would wear a jacket with a v-cut collar. Nurses
and orderlies would stick to a jacket with a round collar. These
uniforms were taken over from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
The security uniforms with body armour were also taken
over from Star Trek: The Motion Picture, dyed, and equipped with
division sleeve bands and turtleneck collars. They were first used in
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock when an intruder was detected in
Captain Spock's quarters. They were also prominently featured in Star
Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country when Valeris vaporised a pot in the
ship's galley.
The prison guard uniforms made a single appearance in
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock when Admiral Kirk and Commander Sulu
extricated Cmdr. McCoy from a Starfleet prison facility.
The athletic wear was worn by Lt. JG Saavik in Star Trek
II: The Wrath of Khan.
* |
The waiter uniforms made their debut in Star Trek III:
The Search for Spock in the officer's lounge scene when Admiral Kirk
tried to persuade Fleet Admiral Morrow to approve a tour to the Genesis
planet. A different kind of waiter uniform was introduced in Star Trek
VI: The Undiscovered Country during a dinner in honour of the Klingon
Chancellor Gorkon.
There were also three different kinds of informal
waistcoats. Variant I was worn by Captain Kirk in Star Trek II: The
Wrath of Khan. Variant II was worn by Captain Kirk in Star Trek:
Generations. Variant III was worn by Scotty in Star Trek V: The Final
All collars quilted in ½” sections. Heights may vary for individual.
* Images from
Christie's 40 Years of Star Trek auction.