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Starfleet Admirals

  Alternate Universe/Possible Future
  Field Promotion


Name from non-canonical source


see annotations


Fleet Admiral Admiral Vice Admiral Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral (upper half)
Rear Admiral (lower half)
9 11 30 3/10 13/3

Gardner (2155)
ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 2

Jonathan Archer (2169)
ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 2

Maxwell Forrest (2151)
ENT Broken Bow

Daniel Leonard (2151)
ENT Broken Bow

Maxwell Forrest (2140s)
ENT First Flight

Morrow (2285)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Bullock (2371)
VOY In the Flesh

Black (2155)
ENT In a Mirror Darkly, Part 2

James T. Kirk (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Stone (2266)
TOS Court Martial

Robert Bennett (2287)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

T'Lara (2372)
DS9 Rules of Engagement

Komack (2266)
TOS This Side of Paradise

Caitian Rear Admiral (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Jose I. Mendez (2266)
TOS The Menagerie, Part 1 & 2

Cartwright (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Strickler (2372)

VOY Non Sequitur

Fitzpatrick (2267)
TOS The Trouble with Tribbles

Norah Satie (2364)
TNG All Good Things...
Travers (2266)
TOS Arena

Bill Smillie* (2293)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Charles Whatley (2373)
DS9 Rapture

Westervliet (2268)
TOS For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky

Savar (2364)
TNG Conspiracy

Barstow (2266)
TOS The Alternative Factor

Shanthi (2368)
TNG Redemption, Part 2
Richard B. Barnett (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight

Fitzgerald (2268)
TOS The Mark of Gideon

no name given (2368)
TNG Redemption, Part 2

Matthew Decker (2266)
TOS The Doomsday Machine

Brackett (2368)
TNG Unification, Part 1

Patrick (2375)
DS9 Chrysalis

Andorian Vice Admiral (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Andrea Brand (2368)
TNG The First Duty

Stocker (2267)
TOS The Deadly Years
Gustafson (2368)
TNG The Inner Light

Hendricks (2376)
VOY Friendship One

Edward Janeway (2358)
VOY Coda

Rollman (2369)
DS9 Past Prologue
Enwright (2267)
TOS The Ultimate Computer

Alynna Nechayev (2370)
TNG Journey's End

Owen Paris (2377)
VOY Pathfinder

Aaron (2364)
TNG Conspiracy

Erik Pressman (2370)
TNG The Pegasus

Robert Wesley (2267)
TOS The Ultimate Computer
Jean-Luc Picard (2383)
TNG Future Imperfect

Nakamura (2365)
TNG The Measure of a Man

Academy Commandant (2372)
DS9 Paradise Lost

Robert April (2269)
TAS The Counter-Clock Incident
William T. Riker (2395)

TNG All Good Things...

Gromek (2365)
TNG The Emissary

Bennett (2373)
DS9 Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
Probert (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Haden (2366)
TNG The Defector

Coburn (2374)
DS9 Favor the Bold

Andorian Commodore (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Anthony Haftel (2366)
TNG The Offspring

Sitak (2374)
DS9 Favor the Bold

Caitian Commodore (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
J.P. Hanson (2366)
TNG The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Mark Jameson (2364)
TNG Too Short a Season
Connaught Rossa (2367)
TNG Suddenly Human
Gregory Quinn (2364)
TNG Coming of Age
Thomas Henry (2367)
TNG The Drumhead
Kathryn Janeway (2379)
Star Trek: Nemesis
Kennelly (2368)
TNG Ensign Ro
Hayes (2369)
TNG Realm of Fear
Marcus Holt (2370)
TNG Interface
Chekote (2370)
TNG Gambit, Part 1

Margaret Blackwell (2370)
TNG The Pegasus

Patterson (2371)
VOY Relativity
Owen Paris (2371)
VOY Caretaker
Toddman (2371)
DS9 The Die Is Cast
Leyton (2372)
DS9 Homefront
Hayes (2373)
Star Trek: First Contact
William Ross (2374)
DS9 A Time to Stand
    Fujisaki (2374)
DS9 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Matthew Dougherty (2375)
Star Trek: Insurrection
Kathryn Janeway (2403)
VOY Endgame


Bennett: Since he wore incorrect rank insignia and was only introduced as "Rear Admiral Bennett", he could've been either a 1-pip or 2-pip-admiral.
Black: Haven't seen the episode yet.
Brackett, Nechayev, Shanthie: Although these three admirals wore the rank insignia of a vice admiral, they were referred to in dialogue as fleet admirals.
Fitzgerald, Komack, Westervliet: Even though we never saw their uniform cuffs, it's reasonable to assume that they wore the same uniform shirt as VAdm. Fitzpatrick.
Hendricks: Looks like he is wearing 4 pips, but the screenshot is not conclusive.
Janeway: Since she wore incorrect rank insignia (at least in my opinion. Some people think she deserved a promotion to Vice Admiral), she could've been either a 1-pip or 2-pip-admiral.
Satie: Since she was never seen in uniform, she could've been either a 1-pip or 2-pip-admiral before retirement.


Gardner (2154)
ENT Awakening
Douglas (2161)
ENT These Are the Voyages...
Uttan Narsu (2167)
TNG Power Play
Nogura (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Leonard H. McCoy (2364)
TNG Encounter at Farpoint
Moore (2365)
TNG Up the Long Ladder
Hahn (2366)
TNG Ménage à Troi
Nsomeka (2367)
TNG Final Mission

Brooks (2368)
TNG Descent, Part 1

Simons (2369)

TNG Man of the People
Budrow (2369)
TNG Frame of Mind
Ranar (2370)
TNG The Pegasus
Gupta (2370)
DS9 Whispers
Mitsuya (2370)
DS9 Paradise
Drazman (2371)
DS9 Past Tense, Part 1
Ngomo (2371)
DS9 Past Tense, Part 1
Wright (2371)
DS9 Past Tense, Part 1
Hastur (2372)
DS9 The Way of the Warrior
Colti (2373)
DS9 Rapture
Veta (2373)
DS9 Rapture
Gilhouly (2373)
DS9 By Inferno's Light
Chapman (2374)
VOY In Hope and Fear
MacIntyre (2375)
VOY Timeless
Mitchell (xxxx)
TNG Starship Mine



Last updated: Juli 05, 2005