Fleet Admiral |
Admiral |
Vice Admiral |
Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral (upper half) |
Rear Admiral (lower half) |
9 |
11 |
30 |
3/10 |
13/3 |
Gardner (2155)
ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 2 |
Jonathan Archer (2169)
ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 2 |
Maxwell Forrest (2151)
ENT Broken Bow |
Daniel Leonard (2151)
ENT Broken Bow |
Maxwell Forrest (2140s)
ENT First Flight |
Morrow (2285)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock |
Bullock (2371)
VOY In the Flesh |
Black (2155)
ENT In a Mirror Darkly,
Part 2 |
James T. Kirk (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture |
Stone (2266)
TOS Court Martial |
Robert Bennett (2287)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier |
T'Lara (2372)
DS9 Rules of Engagement |
Komack (2266)
TOS This Side of Paradise |
Caitian Rear Admiral (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home |
Jose I. Mendez (2266)
TOS The Menagerie, Part 1 & 2 |
Cartwright (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home |
Strickler (2372)
VOY Non Sequitur |
Fitzpatrick (2267)
TOS The Trouble with Tribbles |
Norah Satie (2364)
TNG All Good Things... |
Travers (2266)
TOS Arena |
Bill Smillie* (2293)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country |
Charles Whatley (2373)
DS9 Rapture |
Westervliet (2268)
TOS For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky |
Savar (2364)
TNG Conspiracy |
Barstow (2266)
TOS The Alternative Factor |
Shanthi (2368)
TNG Redemption, Part 2 |
Richard B. Barnett (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight |
Fitzgerald (2268)
TOS The Mark of Gideon |
no name given (2368)
TNG Redemption, Part 2 |
Matthew Decker (2266)
TOS The Doomsday Machine |
Brackett (2368)
TNG Unification, Part 1 |
Patrick (2375)
DS9 Chrysalis |
Andorian Vice Admiral (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home |
Andrea Brand (2368)
TNG The First Duty |
Stocker (2267)
TOS The Deadly Years |
Gustafson (2368)
TNG The Inner Light |
Hendricks (2376)
VOY Friendship One |
Edward Janeway (2358)
VOY Coda |
Rollman (2369)
DS9 Past Prologue |
Enwright (2267)
TOS The Ultimate Computer |
Alynna Nechayev (2370)
TNG Journey's End |
Owen Paris (2377)
VOY Pathfinder |
Aaron (2364)
TNG Conspiracy |
Erik Pressman (2370)
TNG The Pegasus |
Robert Wesley (2267)
TOS The Ultimate Computer |
Jean-Luc Picard (2383)
TNG Future Imperfect |
Nakamura (2365)
TNG The Measure of a Man |
Academy Commandant (2372)
DS9 Paradise Lost |
Robert April (2269)
TAS The Counter-Clock Incident |
William T. Riker (2395)
TNG All Good Things... |
Gromek (2365)
TNG The Emissary |
Bennett (2373)
DS9 Doctor Bashir, I Presume? |
Star Trek: The Motion Picture |
Haden (2366)
TNG The Defector |
Coburn (2374)
DS9 Favor the Bold |
Andorian Commodore (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home |
Anthony Haftel (2366)
TNG The Offspring |
Sitak (2374)
DS9 Favor the Bold |
Caitian Commodore (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home |
J.P. Hanson (2366)
TNG The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1 |
Mark Jameson (2364)
TNG Too Short a Season |
Connaught Rossa (2367)
TNG Suddenly Human |
Gregory Quinn (2364)
TNG Coming of Age |
Thomas Henry (2367)
TNG The Drumhead |
Kathryn Janeway (2379)
Star Trek: Nemesis |
Kennelly (2368)
TNG Ensign Ro |
Hayes (2369)
TNG Realm of Fear |
Marcus Holt (2370)
TNG Interface |
Chekote (2370)
TNG Gambit, Part 1 |
Margaret Blackwell (2370)
TNG The Pegasus |
Patterson (2371)
VOY Relativity |
Owen Paris (2371)
VOY Caretaker |
Toddman (2371)
DS9 The Die Is Cast |
Leyton (2372)
DS9 Homefront |
Hayes (2373)
Star Trek: First Contact |
William Ross (2374)
DS9 A Time to Stand |
Fujisaki (2374)
DS9 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges |
Matthew Dougherty (2375)
Star Trek: Insurrection |
Kathryn Janeway (2403)
VOY Endgame |
Bennett: Since he wore incorrect rank insignia and was only introduced as
"Rear Admiral Bennett", he could've been either a 1-pip or 2-pip-admiral.
Black: Haven't seen the episode yet.
Brackett, Nechayev, Shanthie: Although these three admirals wore the rank
insignia of a vice admiral, they were referred to in dialogue as fleet admirals.
Fitzgerald, Komack, Westervliet: Even though we never saw their uniform cuffs,
it's reasonable to assume that they wore the same uniform shirt as VAdm.
Hendricks: Looks like he is wearing 4 pips, but the screenshot is not
Janeway: Since she wore incorrect rank insignia (at least in my opinion. Some
people think she deserved a promotion to Vice Admiral), she could've been either
a 1-pip or 2-pip-admiral.
Satie: Since she was never seen in uniform, she could've been either a 1-pip or
2-pip-admiral before retirement.