19 |
7 |
8 |
94 |
77 |
3 |

Travis Mayweather (2151)
ENT Broken Bow |

James T. Kirk (2254)
TOS Court Martial |

Omal* (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture |

Data (2345)
TNG Conundrum |
Dorothy Chang (2371)
VOY Equinox, Part 1 |

Nell Chilton (2395)
TNG All Good Things... |

Hoshi Sato (2151)
ENT Broken Bow |

Leslie (2265)
TOS The Corbomite Maneuver |

Perez (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture |

Stefan DeSeve (2349)
TNG Face of the Enemy |
Edward Regis (2371)
VOY Equinox, Part 1 |

Gaines (2395)
TNG All Good Things.. |
Porter (2151)
ENT Fight or Flight |

Christine Chapel (2265)
TOS What Are Little Girls Made Of? |

Tuvok (2293)
VOY Flashback |

Chu'lak (2355)
DS9 Field of Fire |

David Gentry (2371)
VOY In the Flesh |
Miral Paris (2403)
VOY Endgame |
Socorro (2151)
ENT Fight or Flight |

Pavel Chekov (2266)
TOS Catspaw |

Demora Sulu (2293)
Star Trek VII: Generations |

Keiran MacDuff (2356)
TNG Conundrum |

Rollins (2371)
VOY Caretaker |
Almack (2151)
ENT Unexpected |

Jordan (2267)
TOS I, Mudd |
Matt Franklin (2294)
TNG Relics |

Thomas Riker (2358)
TNG The Pegasus |
Claudia J. Craig (2371)
VOY Imperfection |
Hart (2151)
ENT Unexpected |

Garrovick (2267)
TOS Obsession |

Marta Batanides (2327)
TNG Tapestry |

William T. Riker (2358)
TNG The Pegasus |
Charles Ming (2371)
VOY Imperfection |
Kimball (2151)
ENT Breaking the Ice |
Carstairs (2267)
TOS The Ultimate Computer |

Jean-Luc Picard (2327)
TNG Tapestry |

Phil Wallace (2358)
ENT These Are the Voyages... |
Charles Young (2371)
VOY Imperfection |
Hutchinson (2152)
ENT Minefield |

Cortin Zweller (2327)
TNG Tapestry |

Ro Laren (2362)
TNG Conundrum |

Seska (2371)
VOY Parallax |
Tanner (2152)
ENT Minefield |
Stone (2362)
VOY Infinite Regress |
Vilix'pran (2371)
DS9 Heart of Stone |

Cole (2152)
ENT The Crossing |

Anthony Brevelle (2363)
TNG Identity Crisis |

Michael Parsons (2371)
VOY The Phage |

Cook (2152)
ENT The Crossing |

Paul Hickman (2363)
TNG Identity Crisis |
Kyoto (2371)
VOY Eye of the Needle |

McFarlane (2153)
ENT The Xindi |

Geordi La Forge (2363)
TNG Identity Crisis |

Murphy (2371)
VOY Prime Factors |
Massaro (2153)
ENT Similtude |

Emilita Mendez (2363)
TNG Identity Crisis |
Palmers (2371)
DS9 Shakaar |
Walsh (2154)
ENT Hatchery |

Greta Vanderweg (2363)
DS9 Field of Fire |

Ashmore (2371)
VOY Learning Curve |
Marcel (2154)
ENT The Forgotten |
Fletcher (2364)
TNG All Good Things... |

Samantha Wildman (2371)
VOY Elogium |

Patricia F. O'Malley (2154)
ENT Storm Front, Part 2 |

Lian T'su (2364)
TNG The Arsenal of Freedom |
Daniel Byrd (2372)
VOY Non Sequitur |

Jeffrey Pierce (2154)
ENT Borderland |

Herbert (2364)
TNG We'll Always Have Paris |
Saunders (2372)
DS9 The Way of the Warrior |
Burrows (2154)
ENT Daedalus |

Haskell (2365)
TNG Where Silence Has Lease |
Pablo Baytart (2372)
VOY Parturition |

Kelby (2155)
ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 2 |

Clancy (2365)
TNG Elementary, Dear Data |
Tyler (2372)
DS9 Rejoined |

Mendon (2365)
TNG A Matter of Honor |

Carson (2372)
DS9 Starship Down |

Gibson (2365)
TNG The Dauphin |

Lon Suder (2372)
VOY Meld |

Williams (2365)
TNG Contagion |

Bennet (2372)
VOY Innocence |

Alans (2365)
TNG Pen Pals |
McCormick (2372)
VOY Innocence |

Davies (2365)
TNG Pen Pals |

Hoya (2373)
DS9 The Ship |

Hildebrandt (2365)
TNG Pen Pals |

Murphy (2373)
VOY False Profits |

Sonya Gomez (2365)
TNG Q Who |

Golwat (2373)
VOY Flashback |

Burke (2365)
TNG Peak Performance |
Freddy Bristow (2373)
VOY The Swarm |

Nagel (2365)
TNG Peak Performance |

Marie Kaplan (2373)
VOY Future's End |

Hoy (2366)
TNG Who Watches the Watchers? |

Martin (2373)
VOY Warlord |

Williams (2366)
TNG A Matter of Perspective |
Gallagher (2373)
VOY Macrocosm |
Thomas (2366)
TNG Yesterday's Enterprise |

Vorik (2373)
VOY Fair Trade |

Bennett (2366)
TNG Captain's Holiday |

Brooks (2373)
VOY Darkling |

Myers (2366)
TNG Hollow Pursuits |

Angie Kirby (2373)
DS9 Children of Time |
D'Amato (2366)
TNG Sarek |

Rita Tannenbaum (2373)
DS9 Children of Time |
Suzanne Dumont (2366)
TNG Sarek |

Lynch (2373)
Star Trek: First Contact |

Wesley R. Crusher (2366)
TNG Ménage à Troi |

Lang (2373)
VOY Displaced |

Delaney* (2366)
DS9 Emissary |

Molina (2373)
VOY Displaced |

Tamamota* (2366)
DS9 Emissary |

Hickman (2373)
VOY Scorpion, Part 1 |

Gleason (2367)
TNG The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2 |

Paul Gordon (2374)
DS9 Rocks and Shoals |

Kopf (2367)
TNG Brothers |
Culhane (2374)
VOY Revulsion |

Alyssa Ogawa (2367)
TNG Future Imperfect |

Nog (2374)
DS9 Sacrifice of Angels |

Tess Allenby (2367)
TNG Final Mission |

Neelix (2374)
VOY Year of Hell |

Janet Brooks (2367)
TNG The Loss |

Strickler (2374)
VOY Year of Hell, Part 1 |

Locklin (2367)
TNG Clues |

Kagan (2374)
DS9 Inquisition |

McKnight (2367)
TNG Clues |
Kaplan (2374)
VOY Vis à Vis |

Pavlick (2367)
TNG Galaxy's Child |
Rick K. Bittle (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight |

Peter Lin (2367)
TNG Night Terrors |
John A. Fredrickson (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight |

Peebles (2367)
TNG Night Terrors |
Penny M. Juday (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight |

Sariel Rager (2367)
TNG Night Terrors |
Beverly C. Kurts (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight |

Graham (2367)
TNG Identity Crisis |
Paul F. Lawrence (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight |

Brower (2367)
TNG The Nth Degree |
Tom P. Mahoney (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight |

April Anaya (2367)
TNG The Nth Degree |
Marian A. McAllum (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight |

Gates (2367)
TNG The Host |
Walker (2374)
DS9 His Way |

Thorne (2367)
TNG In Theory |

Parton (2374)
DS9 Valiant |
Reel (2367)
TNG Redemption, Part 1 |

Ezri Dax (2374)
DS9 Image in the Sand |

Krags (2368)
TNG Redemption, Part 2 |
Brinner Finok (2374)
DS9 Prodigal Daughter |

Robin Lefler (2368)
TNG Darmok |

Mulchaey (2375)
VOY Drone |

Collins (2368)
TNG Ensign Ro |

O'Halloran (2375)
VOY In the Flesh |

Mandel (2368)
TNG Disaster |

Tabor (2375)
VOY Nothing Human |

Felton (2368)
TNG A Matter of Time |

Thomas Paris (2375)
VOY Thirty Days |

Hutchinson (2368)
TNG Hero Worship |

Jurot (2375)
VOY Counterpoint |

Davis (2368)
TNG Violations |

Renlay Sharr (2375)
VOY Latent Image |
Keller (2368)
TNG Violations |

Bertram (2375)
DS9 Field of Fire |

Daniel Sutter (2368)
TNG Imaginary Friend |

Hector Ilario (2375)
DS9 Field of Fire |

McDowell (2368)
TNG The Next Phase |

Hickam (2375)
DS9 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges |

Dern (2369)
TNG Realm of Fear |

Harper (2375)
VOY Course: Oblivion |

Janeway (2369)
TNG Man of the People |

Weldon (2375)
DS9 When It Rains... |

Kane (2369)
TNG Relics |

Bandee (2375)
DS9 Extreme Measures |

Maggie Hubble (2369)
DS9 Emissary |
Doug Bronowski (2375)
VOY Someone to Watch Over Me |

Pauley (2369)
DS9 Q-Less |

Mannus (2375)
VOY Relativity |

Lopez (2369)
TNG Birthright, Part 1 |
Gilles (2375)
Star Trek: Insurrection |

Jonas (2369)
DS9 The Nagus |
McCauley (2375)
Star Trek: Insurrection |
Cabot (2369)
TNG Lessons |

Kell Perim (2375)
Star Trek: Insurrection |

Cheney (2369)
TNG Lessons |
Farley (2376)
VOY Memorial |
Boyer (2369)
DS9 The Storyteller |
Lindsay Ballard (2376)
VOY Ashes to Ashes |

Torigan (2369)
TNG Rightful Heir |

Mendez (2377)
VOY Nightingale |

Corelki (2369)
TNG Descent, Part 1 |

Kashimuro Nozawa (xxxx)
xxxx |
Aquino (2369)
DS9 In the Hands of the Prophets |

Kelly (2369)
DS9 The Siege |

Davis (2370)
TNG Descent, Part 2 |

Taitt (2370)
TNG Descent, Part 2 |

Giusti (2370)
TNG Gambit |

Tyler (2370)
TNG Phantasms |

Melora Pazlar (2370)
DS9 Melora |
Markson (2370)
TNG Attached |

Hayes (2370)
TNG Parallels |

Sam Lavelle (2370)
TNG Lower Decks |

Sito Jaxa (2370)
TNG Lower Decks |

Taurik (2370)
TNG Lower Decks |

DeCurtis (2370)
DS9 Whispers |
Manwaring (2370)
DS9 Shadowplay |

Rainer (2370)
TNG Thine Own Self |

Maddy Calloway (2370)
TNG Eye of the Beholder |

Harry Kim (2370)
VOY Non Sequitur |