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Starfleet Commanders

  Alternate Universe/Possible Future
  Field Promotion


Name from non-canonical source


see annotations


9 5 17 19 17 3

Jonathan Archer (2140s)
ENT First Flight
Steven Mullen (2167)
TNG Power Play

Branch (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Ronald Moore (2358)
ENT These Are the Voyages...
Zakarian (2371)
VOY Caretaker

Reginald Barclay (2403)
VOY Endgame, Part 1

A.G. Robinson (2140s)
ENT First Flight

Hansen (2265)
TOS Balance of Terror

Willard Decker (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Beverly C. Crusher (2362)
TNG Thine Own Self
J. Bartlett (2371)
VOY Imperfection

Julian S. Bashir (2422)
DS9 The Visitor

Erika Hernandez (2150s)

Spock (2266)
TOS Amok Time

Leonard H. McCoy (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Gatsby (2363)
DS9 The Sound of Her Voice

Valerie Archer (2371)
VOY In the Flesh

Jadzia Dax (2422)
DS9 The Visitor

Charles Tucker (2151)
ENT Broken Bow

Carter (2267)
TOS The Omega Glory

Montgomery Scott (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

William T. Riker (2364)
TNG Encounter at Farpoint

Erika Benteen (2372)
DS9 Homefront

Williams (2151)
ENT Broken Bow

Thelin (2268)
TAS Yesteryear

Sonak (2273)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Orfil Quinteros (2364)
TNG 11001001
Harry C. Brand (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight

T'Pol (2153)
Beach (2285)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Katherine Pulaski (2365)
TNG The Child
Alice K. Ginsburt (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight

Collins (2154)
ENT Affliction
Pavel Chekov (2285)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Bruce Maddox (2365)
TNG The Measure of a Man
Mitchell B. Green (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight

Kelby (2154)
ENT Affliction
Kyle (2285)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Steve Gerber (2365)
TNG Contagion
Grace K. Kenney (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight

Malcolm Reed (2165)
ENT Twilight
Hikaru Sulu (2285)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Flaherty (2365)
TNG The Icarus Factor
Mindy C. Long (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight
Uhura (2285)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Shelby (2367)
TNG The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2
David P. Nemzek (2374)
DS9 In the Pale Moonlight
Woman in Cafeteria (2285)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Dalen Quaice (2367)
TNG Remember Me

Karen Farris (2374)
DS9 Valiant
Henreid* (2285)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Keiran MacDuff (2368)
TNG Conundrum

Kira Nerys (2375)
DS9 When It Rains...
Saratoga Helmsman (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Benjamin L. Sisko (2369)
DS9 Emissary
Parker (2375)
DS9 The Siege of AR-558
Christine Chapel (2286)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Calvin Hutchinson (2369)
TNG Starship Mine

Hilliard (2375)
DS9 When It Rains...
    D. Wise (2293)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Edward M. La Forge (2370)
TNG Interface

Pete Harkins (2376)
VOY Pathfinder
Enterprise-B Communications Officer (2293)

Star Trek: Generations
Donald Kaplan (2370)
TNG Force of Nature

Martin Madden (2379)
Star Trek: Nemesis
Mark Jameson (2319)
TNG Too Short a Season

Deanna Troi (2370)
TNG Thine Own Self

Nog (2392)
DS9 The Visitor
      Wrightwell (2370)
TNG Journey's End
Kathryn Janeway (before 2371)
VOY Night



In case of the Enterprise-B Communications Officer, visual evidence is inconclusive whether he was a full Commander or a Lieutenant Commander.
In case of Pete Harkins, I'm not entirely sure, whether he was a full Commander or not. Please feel free to use the forum if you possess clear visual evidence.



Last updated: Juli 05, 2005