Starbases and other facilities A-Z
= non-canon information
Spacedock |
Earth |
Spacedock is a massive station orbiting planet Earth, providing service
facilities for Starfleet vessels. The U.S.S. Enterprise returned to Spacedock in 2285 following the battle with
Khan in the Mutara Nebula. At the time, the ship was scheduled to be
scrapped, but Kirk stole the Enterprise from Spacedock in his effort to
rescue Spock. The U.S.S. Excelsior
was stationed there, undergoing
tests of its experimental transwarp drive.
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. The Spacedock was disabled by an alien space probe approaching Earth in
2286. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. In 2287, the U.S.S. Enterprise-A was undergoing shakedown tests and systems
installation at Spacedock just prior to the Nimbus III incident.
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
In 2293, the U.S.S. Enterprise-A left Spacedock to escort Klingon Chancellor
Gorkon to Earth for a peace conference. ST6 The Undiscovered Country. In an alternate reality created by a timestream, the runabout U.S.S.
Yellowstone was stolen from Spacedock in 2372 by Ensign Harry Kim und Tom
Paris. VOY Non Sequitur.
Spacedock model was designed by David Carson and Nilo Rodis. It was built
at ILM. The model was re-used more than once in ST:TNG, notably for Starbase 74 in TNG 11001001. The only shot of the Spacedock in VOY Non Sequitur was of the doors, which
were first seen as the Dyson Sphere doors from TNG Relics.
Name from dialogue.
San Francisco Fleet Yards |
Earth |
The U.S.S.
Enterprise was built there. TOS Where No Man Has Gone Before. The U.S.S.
Enterprise-A was built there and launched on stardate 8442.5. The U.S.S. Sutherland
was built there and launched on stardate 44820.5. TNG Redemption, Part 2.
The U.S.S. Enterprise-E was built there and launched on stardate 49827.5. Star Trek: First Contact. Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
Star Trek: Nemesis.Name from dedication plaques:
Enterprise /
Enterprise-A /
Enterprise-E /
Sutherland |
Sciencestation Tango Sierra |
TNG The Child.Name from dialogue. |
Starbase 2 |
suggested Dr. Janice Lester should be taken to SB 2 for diagnosis of
her medical condition, instead of to the Benecia Colony.
Turnabout Intruder.Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 4 |
Enterprise dropped off the children from the Starnes Expedition to planet Triacus in 2268 at SB 4. TOS
And the Children Shall Lead. A shuttlecraft was stolen by Lokai from SB 4 in 2268, two weeks
before being recovered by the Enterprise. TOS Let That Be Your Last Battlefield.Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 6 |
The Enterprise crew was scheduled for rest and relaxation
at SB 6 in 2268.
Their vacation was cut short by an emergency call from Starfleet Command
to divert to Sector 39J and investigate the disappearance of the Starship
Intrepid. TOS
The Immunity Syndrome.Name from
dialogue. |
9 |
Enterprise was en route to SB 9 for resupply in 2267 when
near-collision with a black star of high gravitational attraction
propelled the ship into a time warp that sent the ship back to the year
1969. TOS
Tomorrow Is Yesterday. SB 9 was the closest base to planet Pyris VII, which the
Enterprise visited in 2267. TOS Catspaw.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 10 |
10 was the destination of the Enterprise after leaving Deneva in 2267.
Operation: Annihilate!. Commodore Stocker was to assume command of SB 10 in 2267.
TOS The Deadly Years.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 11 |
SB 11 is a planetside facility under the command of
Commodore Stone in
2267. This base was the site of Kirk's court-martial for the death of
Lt. Cmdr. Ben Finney. TOS
Court Martial. The Enterprise later returned to SB 11, then under the
command of Commodore José Mendez, when Spock abducted Captain Christopher Pike to
live among the Talosians. TOS The Menagerie, Part 1 & 2.
The matte painting of Starbase 11
was created by Albert Whitlock, Jr.
Name from dialogue. |
Starbase 12 |
SB 12 was commanded by Admiral Uttan Narsu back in 2167, at the time
the U.S.S. Essex was lost at planet Mab-Bu VI.
TNG Power Play. SB
12 is a command post in the Gamma 400 star system where Kirk set course
with the sleeper ship S.S. Botany Bay in tow.
Space Seed. SB 12 was the closest starbase to planet Pollux IV, which the Enterprise
visited in 2267. TOS Who Mourns for Adonais?.
The base was evacuated for two days in late 2364, apparently because key
Starfleet officials were under the control of the extragalactic alien
intelligence that attempted to infiltrate Starfleet Command in that year.
TNG Conspiracy. The Enterprise-D was
scheduled for a week's worth of maintenance overhaul there, following her
mission on Gemaris V in 2366. TNG Captain's Holiday.
TNG Aquiel.
Name from
dialogue. |
14 |
14 sent a message to the Enterprise-D in 2364 concerning the Achilles
fever outbreak on planet Styris IV. TNG
Code of Honor.Name from
dialogue. |
23 |
Following her temporary removal from duty in 2369, Dr. Beverly Crusher was
scheduled to arrive by shuttle at SB 23. From there, she planned to take a
transport to Earth. TNG
Suspicions. SB
23 is located very close to the Romulan Neutral Zone. In the anti-time reality created by Q, Captain Picard sent word to SB 23
to check their personnel for the effects of temporal reversion.
TNG All Good Things....
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 24 |
The U.S.S. John Muir was there for an upgrade in 2293.
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. This
Starfleet facility is near Khitomer. Young Worf's nursemaid, Kahlest, was taken there for treatment of her
injuries following her rescue from Khitomer in 2346.
TNG Sins of the Father. This Starbase also kept complete record about
communications between Khitomer and the Romulan ships, that attacked the
TNG Redemption, Part 1.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 27 |
2266, Captain Kirk was ordered to transport the surviving colonists from
planet Omicron Ceti III to SB 27. TOS
This Side of Paradise.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 36 |
Enterprise-D was scheduled to stop at SB 36 in late 2367. Dr. Beverly
Crusher suggested that Lt. Cmdr. La Forge have his VISOR checked for
malfunctions during the stopover there. TNG
The Mind's Eye.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 39-Sierra |
39-Sierra is approximately 5 day's travel from the Romulan Neutral Zone.
The Neutral Zone.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 41 |
travelled from SB 41 to DS 9 in order to meet his field docent, Jadzia Dax,
in 2370. He had met Dr. Julian Bashir on the transport from SB 41.
Playing God.
Name from dialogue. |
Starbase 45 |
The chief medical officer on SB 45 ran
a complete battery of tests on Admiral Mark Janeway in 2364. TNG
Too Short a Season.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 47 |
an alternate quantum reality visited by Worf in 2370, SB 47 was the object
of covert surveillance by the Cardassians, who had reprogrammed the Argus
Array to observe the starbase, as well as other Federation installations.
47 was a re-use of the Relay
Station 47 model first seen in TNG Aquiel.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 53 |
In 2374, Section 31 operatives told Julian Bashir that he was to be taken to
SB 53 for questioning. DS9
Name from
dialogue. |
55 |
TNG Relics.
Name from
dialogue. |
58 |
The U.S.S. Gallico visited Starbase 58 prior to her stay at station Deep
Space 9 in 2370.
Name from a computer display. |
63 |
and Dax visited SB 63 just prior to stardate 50416.
The Darkness and the Light.
Name from
dialogue. |
67 |
In 2368, the U.S.S. Enterprise-D was en
route to SB 67 to undergo repairs, after the ship had encountered a quantum
filament. TNG Disaster. Counsellor
Troi and Lt. Cmdr. La Forge were ordered by the Ktarians to travel to SB
67 to distribute the addictive Ktarian game to starships docked there
in 2368.
The Game.
Name from
dialogue. |
73 |
Commander Riker bought Owon eggs at SB 73.
TNG Time Squared. In 2365, the
Enterprise-D received mission orders to investigate a distress signal
detected from the Ficus Sector at SB 73.
Commanding officer at this time was Admiral Moore. TNG
Up the Long Ladder. Worf delivered his son, Alexander Rozhenko, to SB 73 in 2367. Worf's
adoptive parents met them there, having agreed to accept custody of
Alexander after the death of K'Ehleyr. TNG Reunion.
Name from
dialogue. |
74 |
74, under the command of Cmdr. Orfil Quinteros, is a massive orbital facility at planet Tarsas III.
The Enterprise-D underwent a computer-systems upgrade there in 2364,
although the operation was interrupted when a group of Bynar technicians
attempted to hijack the ship to save their planet.
74 miniature shots were a partial re-use of some visual-effects elements
originally shot for Star Trek III by Industrial Light and Magic. The shot
of the Enterprise-D actually docked inside the station was a matte
painting designed by Andy Probert. Name from
dialogue. |
82 |
Enterprise-D delivered a Ktarian vessel into Starfleet custody at SB 82 in
2368. TNG
The Game.
Name from
dialogue. |
83 |
The Enterprise-D travelled to SB 83
when Q returned the ship to Federation space after first contact with the
Borg. TNG
Q Who?.
from dialogue. |
84 |
This starbase was the destination of the Enterprise-D following
the incident with the Klingon criminals Korris and Konmel
in 2364. TNG Heart of Glory. In
2370, the Enterprise-D
obtained a new warp core
at SB 84 that had been infested by interphasic organisms. The core
had been manufactured on
planet Thanatos VII, where the interphasic organisms were attracted to the
new interphasic-fusion manufacturing process.
Starbase 84 miniature was a re-use of the Spacedock, originally created for
Star Trek III by Industrial Light and Magic. Name from
dialogue. |
87 |
In 2370,
87 was the intended destination of the Enterprise-D following its
departure from Boraal II. TNG
Name from
dialogue. |
97 |
Calvin Hutchinson served for some time there, prior to this assignment to Arkaria Base. SB 97 was under the command of Admiral
Mitchell. TNG
Starship Mine.
Name from
dialogue. |
103 |
103 is located a short distance from planet Minos. After ordering a saucer
separation manoeuvre at Minos, Geordi La Forge instructed Engineer Logan to
proceed to SB 103. TNG
The Arsenal of Freedom.
Name from
dialogue. |
105 |
the alternate history created when the Enterprise-C vanished from its
proper time in 2344, SB 105 was a possible destination to which the
Enterprise-C could have been escorted. TNG
Yesterday's Enterprise.
Name from dialogue. |
Starbase 112 |
SB 112
was the last assignment of former Victory crew member Brevelle before his disappearance in 2367.
TNG Identity Crisis.
Name from
dialogue. |
117 |
Enterprise-D sent two members of the Ferengi trade
mission to SB 117,
following their part in an accident that befell Kriosian Ambassador Briam
in 2368. TNG The Perfect Mate.
Name from
dialogue. |
118 |
Enterprise-D picked up several new crew members there in 2369.
A Fistful of Datas.
Name from dialogue. |
121 |
TNG Hollow Pursuits. |
123 |
123 detected two D'deridex-class Romulan warbirds on an intercept course
with Tin Man just prior to contact with that life-form in 2366.
Tin Man.
Name from dialogue. |
129 |
an alternate quantum reality visited by Worf in 2370, the Enterprise-D set
course for SB 129 following significant damage to the secondary plasma
conduits caused by an attacking Cardassian vessel.
Name from
dialogue. |
133 |
In 2366,
SB 133 was the destination of the Enterprise-D after its mission at planet
Delta Rana IV. TNG The Survivors.
Enterprise-D docked there in early 2367 for scheduled crew rotation. Dr. Dalen Quaice was posted at SB 133 prior to his retirement to his homeworld
of Kenda II. TNG Remember Me.Starbase
133 miniature shots were a partial re-use of some
visual-effects elements originally shot for Star Trek III by Industrial
Light and Magic. Name from
dialogue. |
137 |
his sophomore year at the academy, Benjamin Sisko spent a field-study
assignment on SB 137. DS9
The Ascent.
Name from
dialogue. |
152 |
Enterprise-D travelled to SB 152 for inspection and repairs following
contact with Tin Man in 2366. The Enterprise-D had been seriously damaged
in that encounter. TNG
Tin Man.
Name from
dialogue. |
153 |
Federation Emissary K'Ehleyr was launched, inside of a modified class-8
probe, from there for a critical rendezvous with the Enterprise-D in 2365.
The Emissary.
Name from dialogue. |
157 |
157 received a distress signal from the U.S.S. Lalo after it suffered an
attack from a Borg vessel in 2366. TNG
The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1.
Name from dialogue.
(15:38) |
Starbase 173 |
173 is located in Sector 23, near the Romulan Neutral Zone.
SB 173 was site of legal proceedings establishing the sentience of the
android Data. Captain Phillipa Louvois served on SB 173.
The Measure of a Man. Also at SB 173 engineering officer Ensign Sonya Gomez was among several new
crew personnel transferred to the Enterprise-D.
TNG Q Who?.
173 was a re-use of the Regula 1 space station model originally seen in
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Name from dialogue. |
174 |
The U.S.S. Hood
docked at SB 174 for
a major system upgrade. TNG.
information is from a computerdisplay, which
can be seen in the Enterprise-D observation lounge
in many TNG episodes. |
179 |
Enterprise-D visited this planetside facility on stardate 42506 (2365) for
personnel rotation and to pick up Ensign Mendon as part of an Officer
Exchange Program. TNG
A Matter of Honor. |
185 |
starbase was the nearest to the Enterprise-D after Q transported the
vessel across the galaxy to System J-25. Data estimated the starbase was
some two years, seven months away for the ship at maximum warp.
Q Who?. |
200 |
200 was the destination of the Enterprise in 2267 when an unexplained
time-warp distortion was encountered. This distortion caused complete
disruption of normal magnetic and gravimetric fields in every quadrant of
the galaxy. TOS
The Alternative Factor.
the original Star Trek series, Starfleet supposedly had only 17 starbases.
This was one of the few starbases in the original show that broke that rule. Name from dialogue. |
201 |
orphaned Jem'Hadar child was to be taken there in 2371.
The Abandoned.
Name from
dialogue. |
211 |
U.S.S. Phoenix was escorted by the Enterprise-D to SB 211 following Captain
Benjamin Maxwell's unauthorized attack in Cardassian space in 2367.
The Wounded.
Name from
dialogue. |
212 |
starbase is located near the Klingon border. Picard requested that SB 212
help search for a shuttlecraft missing from Relay Station 47 in 2369. Lt. Aquiel Uhnari went there for reassignment after being cleared of criminal
charges in that incident, found to have been caused by a coalescent
organism. TNG
Name from
dialogue. |
214 |
Rasmussen was deposited there following his arrest in 2368.
A Matter of Time.
Name from dialogue. |
218 |
Enterprise-D was en route to SB 218 in 2368 when it encountered the
ancient Kataan probe. TNG
The Inner Light. In 2369, the Enterprise-D picked up new crew members at SB 218, including
Lt. Cmdr. Neela Daren. TNG Lessons.
Name from
dialogue. |
219 |
2370, the starbase played host to the Annual Starfleet Admiral's Banquet. TNG
Name from
dialogue. |
220 |
Enterprise-D intended to tow the ill-fated Brattain to SB 220 when that ship
was found disabled at a Tyken's Rift. Following its own escape from the
Tyken's Rift, Data piloted the Enterprise-D to SB 220.
TNG Night Terrors.
Name from
dialogue. |
227 |
In 2370,
SB 227 was under the command of Admiral Chekote. He placed the Enterprise-D
on detached duty for investigations concerning Picard's "death" on planet Dessica II. TNG Gambit, Part 1. SB 227 was the destination of the
Enterprise-D after returning the psionic resonator to the Security
authorities on Vulcan. TNG Gambit, Part 2.
Name from
dialogue. |
231 |
Troi attended a class reunion there in 2370. TNG
Thine Own Self.
Name from
dialogue. |
234 |
Jean-Luc Picard launched his armada to blockade Romulan forces covertly
supplying the Duras family during the Klingon civil war in 2367-2368 from
there. Picard's task force was formed by commandeering all ships in the
base's spacedock, along with all ships within one day's travel of SB 234.
Redemption, Part 2. The Enterprise-D met Admiral Brackett at SB 234 before proceeding with an
investigation into the disappearance of Ambassador Spock in 2368.
TNG Unification, Part 1.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 235 |
he had lost his leg on AR-558, Nog spent three weeks on SB 235, talking with
counsellors about his feelings. DS9 Its Only a Paper Moon.
Name from dialogue.
247 |
Erik Pressman was held there in 2370 to answer charges of violating the
Treaty of Algeron. TNG
The Pegasus. In the anti-time future created by Q, Admiral William Riker was stationed
at SB 247. The refitted Enterprise-D was deployed out of this starbase, as
it was serving as the Admiral's flagship. TNG All Good Things....
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 257 |
257 was point of departure for the runabout Shenandoah prior to a
diplomatic mission to Ferenginar in 2374. DS9
Name from dialogue. |
260 |
260 was the destination of the Enterprise-D after its escape from the Mar Oscura Nebula in 2367. TNG
In Theory.
Name from
dialogue. |
295 |
Enterprise-D headed to SB 295 after encountering the self-aware Borg in
2370. TNG
Descent, Part 2.
Name from
dialogue. |
301 |
In 2368, the
Enterprise-D travelled to SB 301 following a brief takeover by a Satarran
operative. TNG
Name from
dialogue. |
310 |
2370, Captain Picard met at SB 310 with Admiral Nechayev to discuss the
new Federation-Cardassian treaty and the Enterprise-D's mission to planet Dorvan V. Wesley Crusher also came on-board during this stopover.
Journey's End.
Name from
dialogue. |
313 |
Enterprise-D visited SB 313 in 2367. The ship picked up a shipment of
scientific equipment to transport to the Guernica system. Dr. Leah Brahms
also came on-board the Enterprise-D during this stopover.
Galaxy's Child.
Name from
dialogue. |
324 |
J.P. Hanson returned to SB 324 after receiving confirmation of the
encroachment of the Borg into Federation space.
The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1.
Name from
dialogue. |
328 |
In 2370, the
Enterprise-D picked up viral medicines for Barson II at SB 328.
TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Name from
dialogue. |
336 |
station detected an automated subspace-radio transmission in 2365 from the Klingon sleeper ship T'Ong, a matter of great concern because the ship had
been launched at a time when the Klingon Empire and the Federation were
still at war. TNG
The Emissary.
Name from dialogue. |
343 |
the completion of its mission with the Acamarians, the Enterprise-D went
to SB 343 to take on medical supplies for the Alpha Leonis system.
The Vengeance Factor.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 371 |
The Siege of AR-558. Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 375 |
station is located near Cardassian space. A Jem'Hadar warship, captured in 2373, was held at SB 375 and refurbished
for use in a covert Starfleet mission against the Dominion in early 2374. DS9
A Time to Stand. DS9 Sons and Daughters. In early 2374, Admiral
Ross transferred Benjamin Sisko from command of the
Defiant to a desk job at SB 375.
DS9 Behind the Lines. DS9 Favor the Bold. DS9 When It Rains....
375 was a re-use of the Regula I Space Laboratory model first seen in Star
Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Name from
dialogue. |
401 |
Miles O'Brien replicant created by the Paradas contacted Admiral Rollman
at Starbase 401. DS9
Whispers. Dr. Julian Bashir and Trill initiative Arjin travelled from Starbase 401 to Deep Space 9 in 2370. DS9 Playing God.
Name from
Starbase 410 |
In 2367, Data used Starbase 410's
subspace signal to realign the Enterprise-D's ship clock.
TNG Clues.
Name from
dialogue. |
414 |
The U.S.S. Goddard
docked at SB 414
for resupply. TNG.
information is from a computerdisplay, which
can be seen in the Enterprise-D observation lounge
in many TNG episodes. |
Starbase 416 |
416 was the destination of the Enterprise-D after leaving Ogus II because
of a medical emergency in 2367. TNG
Name from
dialogue. |
440 |
In 2368, an
Ullian delegation was to disembark the Enterprise-D at SB 440 in order to
secure transportation to their homeworld. Captain Picard chose instead to
deliver the Ullians to their world on the Enterprise-D.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 495 |
495 was the destination of the Enterprise-D after the attempted rescue at
planet Marijne VII in 2370. TNG
Name from dialogue. |
Starbase 514 |
In 2368,
Starbase 514 lost contact with the research vessel Vico, which was sent to
explore the interior of a Black Cluster, two days before stardate 45397.3.
Hero Worship.
Name from
dialogue. |
515 |
515 is a planetside facility located in the Scylla Sector, near the
Epsilon IX Sector.
Captain Picard and Wesley Crusher travelled there by shuttle in 2365, when Picard underwent a cardiac replacement procedure for his bionic heart, and
Wesley took academy tests. TNG
Samaritan Snare. In 2367, after a crash-landing on
Lambda Paz, one of the moons of Pentarus II, Wesley
Crusher and a seriously injured Picard talked about their shuttlecraft
flight to SB 515. TNG Final Mission.The
exterior of Starbase 515 was a re-use of the matte painting cityscape from TNG Angel One. Name from dialogue. |
Starbase 621 |
Enterprise-D delayed a scheduled stopover at SB 621 in order to assist the Caldos colony with its weather-control system.
Sub Rosa. At SB 621 a special jury was to have been convened for arraignment of Gul
Dukat on war crimes charges in 2374. DS9 Waltz.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starbase 718 |
718 was the location of an emergency conference that Picard attended in
late 2364 to discuss the possibility of a new Romulan incursion. The
meeting was triggered by the loss of communications with starbases and
outposts near the Romulan Neutral Zone, although this was later believed
to be due to Borg activity. This was shortly before the Romulans ended a
53-year period of isolationism that had begun in 2311.
The Neutral Zone.
this episode was made, it was decided that starbase numbers shouldn't go
much higher than 500. Name from dialogue. |
Starbase Armus IX |
TNG Datalore.
Name from
dialogue. |
Earhart |
Jean-Luc Picard spent some time there awaiting his first assignment after
graduation from the academy. Picard picked a fight with three Nausicaans
at the base's Bonestell Recreation Facility, and was nearly killed when
one of them stabbed him through the heart. TNG
Samaritan Snare. TNG Tapestry.
The starbase was named after
aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart (1898-1937).
Name from dialogue. |
G-6 |
Starfleet facility is near planet Betazed. Counsellor Troi was able to
visit her home via shuttlecraft. SB G-6 was also located near the Sigma
III Solar System, which suffered a serious mining accident in 2364.
Hide and Q.
Name from dialogue. |
Lya III |
Haden was stationed there. He advised Jean-Luc Picard on the handling of
the Romulan defector Alidar Jarok in 2366, although a two-hour
transmission delay due to the distance of the Neutral Zone made it
difficult for Haden to give timely advice. TNG
The Defector.
Name from dialogue. |
Lyra |
The Enterprise-D headed to SB Lyra following its mission to Angosia
III. TNG The Hunted.
Name from dialogue. |
Starbase Montgomery |
Montgomery is a planetside facility at which the Enterprise-D underwent
engineering consultations on stardate 42686. TNG
The Icarus Factor.
Name from dialogue. |
Zayra IV |
Miles O'Brien was called in to reroute an emitter array
at the starbase on planet Zayra IV, some time prior to his assignment to the
Enterprise-D. It turned out that the entire system was infested with Talarian hook spiders. TNG Realm of Fear.
Name from
dialogue. |
Starfleet Academy |
Beta Aquilae 2 |
TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Name from
computerdisplay. |
Starfleet Academy |
Beta Ursae Minor 2 |
TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Name from
computerdisplay. |
Starfleet Academy |
Psi Upsilon 3 |
TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Name from
computerdisplay. |
Starfleet Academy |
San Francisco |
TNG The Game. TNG The First Duty.Name from
dialogue. |
Starfleet Technical Services Academy |
Mars |
TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Name from computerdisplay. |
Starstation India |
TNG Unnatural Selection.
Name from dialogue. |
Nigala IV |
This station was the destination of the Enterprise-D
following its mission at Bre'el IV in 2366. TNG Déjà Q.
Name from
dialogue. |
Station Salem One |
Salem One was the site of an infamous sneak attack in
which many Federation citizens were killed in a bloody preamble to war. TNG The
The adversary, the date, and the
circumstances of this attack were not established in the episode, although an
early draft of TNG Family would have suggested that one of Wesley Crusher's
ancestors was at Salem One.
Name from
dialogue. |