Klingon ships & shuttles
= non-canon information
I.K.C. Amar |
D-7 class (refit) |
The Amar was
destroyed in 2273 while investigating the V'Ger machine lifeform.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture.Name from dialogue. Class
visually identified. |
B'Moth |
D-7 class (refit) |
The B'Moth was reported
missing while on patrol near the Cardassian border in 2373. General Martok, in command of the Rotarran, found the damaged hulk of the B'Moth
and rescued the surviving 35 members of the crew. DS9
Soldiers of the Empire.
Name from
dialogue. Class
visually identified. |
Bortas |
D-5 class |
ENT Judgement.The ship was named after the Klingon word for "revenge".
Name and class from dialogue. |
Bortas |
Vor'cha-class |
The Klingon ship Bortas conveyed Captain Picard's request for Klingon assistance at planet Nelvana III when the
Enterprise-D investigated reports of a secret Romulan base there. The
three Klingon vessels that responded to Picard's request made it possible
for the Enterprise-D to escape without provoking an interstellar war,
despite the hopes of the Romulans. TNG
The Defector. The Bortas served as Gowron's flagship during the Klingon civil war of
2367-68. Worf served as weapons officer aboard the Bortas during the early
part of that conflict. TNG Redemption,
Part 1 & 2.Name from
dialogue. Class visually identified. |
B'rel |
B'rel-class |
Prototype of the B'rel-class.
The Klingon Bird of Prey was
designed by Nilo Rodis.
mention of the B'rel-class was in the TNG
episode "Rascals". |
Buruk |
Klingon Bird of Prey Buruk transported Gowron
to a rendezvous with the Enterprise-D in 2367. TNG Reunion.Name from
dialogue. |
Ch'Tang |
Ch'Tang was the flagship of General Martok's
squadron in 2375. The Ch'Tang and two
other Bird of Preys attacked the Cardassian starbase on Trelka V. DS9 Once More
Unto the Breach.
Name from
dialogue. |
I.K.S. Drovana |
Vor'cha-class |
The Klingon ship Drovana illegally mined the Bajoran
system with cloaked explosives in 2372. An accidental detonation of one of
the mines caused severe damage to the Drovana. The U.S.S. Defiant
subsequently towed the damaged vessel to Deep Space 9 to provide medical aid
to the ship's crew. While the Drovana was docked at the station, Worf and
Kurn covertly obtained the detonation codes and locations of the cloaked Klingon mines. DS9 Sons of Mogh.Name from
dialogue. Class visually identified. |
I.K.S. Gr'oth |
D-7 class |
In 2267, Captain Koloth took the Gr'oth to
Deep Space Station K-7, invoking a clause of the Organian
Peace Treaty that allowed the Gr'oth's crew to make use of Federation shore
leave facilities. TOS The Trouble with Tribbles.
DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations.
The Gr'oth was a replica of the original Klingon battle cruiser model designed by Matt Jefferies for the original
Star Trek series. Modelmaker Greg Jein, who built the Gr'oth, changed
Jefferies' design slightly by incorporating surface panel detailing similar
to that done for the Klingon starships in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Name and class
from dialogue. |
Hegh'ta |
This Klingon Bird of Prey was commanded by Kurn. The Hegh'ta supported the Gowron regime during the Klingon civil war of 2367-2368. Worf served briefly
aboard this ship as tactical officer during that conflict. TNG Redemption,
Part 1 & 2.Name from dialogue. |
Hor'cha |
VOY In the Flesh.Name from dialogue. |
Ki'Tang |
A Klingon Bird of Prey. DS9 Tacking Into
the Wind.
Name from
dialogue. |
Klothos |
D-5 class |
DS9 Once More Unto
the Breach.
Name and class from
dialogue. |
Koraga |
K'Vort-class |
The Koraga, under the command of Lt. Cmdr. Worf, was ambushed and destroyed
by a Dominion patrol near the Badlands in 2375. The Rotarran recovered six
escape pods but Worf wasn't aboard any of them. DS9 Penumbra.
Name from
Class from screenshot. |
I.K.S. Korinar |
In 2372, the Klingon Bird of Prey Korinar was
involved in the laying of an illegal cloaked minefield around the Bajoran
system. When Kira and O'Brien scanned this area, the Korinar's commander
asked them to return to Bajoran space immediately. DS9 Sons of Mogh.Name from
dialogue. |
Kronos One |
D-7 class (refit) |
The Kronos One carried Klingon Chancellor Gorkon on an
abortive peace mission to Earth in 2293. Gorkon was assassinated aboard Kronos One by forces that sought to obstruct the peace process. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.The ship was named after the Klingon homeworld.
The Kronos One was a modification of the Klingon battle cruiser built for
the first Star Trek movie.
Name from dialogue.
Class visually identified. |
K'Vort |
K'Vort-class |
Prototype of the K'Vort-class.The Klingon Bird of Prey was
designed by Nilo Rodis.
mention of the K'Vort-class was in the TNG
episode "Yesterday's Enterprise". |
Maht-H'a |
Vor'cha-class |
Under the command of Captain Nu'Daq,
the Maht-H'a participated in 2369 in the discovery of a
four-billion-year-old genetically encoded message from an ancient humanoid
species. TNG The Chase.Name from
dialogue. Class visually identified. |
Malpara |
Malpara was part of General Martok's squadron in
2375. The Malpara and the Ning'tao attacked
the Cardassian starbase on Trelka V to distract orbiting
enemy vessels. The vessel was destroyed by a
Cardassian Galor-class warship after the attack. DS9 Once More
Unto the Breach.
Name from
dialogue. |
M'Char |
The freighter Xhosa was
stopped by the Klingon Bird of Prey M'Char in 2372. The ship's captain,
Commander Kaybok, intended to board the Xhosa and
search it for shapeshifters, but Captain Sisko, in command of the Defiant,
intervened and convinced Kaybok to withdraw his vessel. DS9 The Way of
the Warrior.Name from dialogue. |
Negh'Var |
The Negh'Var was the new flagship
of the Klingon Defence Force in 2372. General Martok commanded the Negh'Var during the Klingon Empire's invasion of Cardassia and the attack
on Deep Space 9. DS9 The Way of
the Warrior.The Negh'Var was
designed by Rick Sternbach. It was a modification of the future Klingon
ship model used in TNG All Good Things...
Name from
dialogue. |
Ning'tao |
Ning'tao, under the command of Captain Lurkan, was part of General
Martok's squadron in 2375. The
Ning'tao and the Malpara attacked the Cardassian
starbase on Trelka V to distract orbiting enemy vessels. DS9 Once More
Unto the Breach.
Name from
dialogue. |
Orantho |
Orantho was part of General Martok's squadron in
2375. The Orantho and two other Bird of Preys attacked the
Cardassian starbase on Trelka V. The vessel's captain and first officer were
killed during this attack. DS9 Once More
Unto the Breach.
Name from
dialogue. |
Pagh |
Starfleet officer William
Riker briefly served as first officer aboard this Klingon Bird of Prey in 2365 as part of
an officer exchange program. The ship was under the command of Captain Kargan. During Riker's service aboard the Pagh, an
incident with Starfleet was narrowly averted when Enterprise-D personnel
helped identify and repair damage from a previously undiscovered subatomic
life-form that was damaging the hull of the Pagh. TNG A Matter of
Honor. TNG Sins of the Father.Name from
dialogue. |
Par'tok |
Klingon cargo vessel. DS9 Son and
Daughters.Name from
dialogue. |
P'Rang |
Klingon ship P'Rang was ordered to
intercept the sleeper ship T'Ong after command of the T'Ong had been
assumed by Emissary K'Ehleyr. TNG The Emissary.
Name from
dialogue. |
Qu'Vat |
Vor'cha-class |
The Qu'Vat rendezvoused with
the Enterprise-D in 2369, carrying Governor Torak on an investigation into
the death of a Starfleet officer at Relay Station 47. TNG Aquiel.Name from dialogue. Class visually
identified. |
I.K.S. Rotarran |
Soldiers of the Empire. DS9 Call to Arms. DS9 Sons and
Behind the Lines. DS9 Favor the Bold. DS9 Sacrifice of Angels.
DS9 You Are Cordially Invited. DS9 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges.
DS9 Penumbra. DS9 Tacking Into the Wind.
Name from dialogue. |
Sam'ra |
Raptor-class |
ENT Sleeping Dogs. ENT Judgement.Name and class from dialogue. |
Slivan |
Slivan was part of General Martok's squadron
in 2375. The Slivan and two other
Bird of Preys attacked the Cardassian starbase on Trelka V. DS9 Once More
Unto the Breach.
Name from
dialogue. |
T'Acog |
The Klingon cruiser T'Acog was sent to return
the criminals Korris, Konmel, and Kunivas to the Klingon Homeworld in
2364. The offenders managed to destroy the T'Acog and commandeered the Talarian freighter Batris. TNG Heart of
Glory.Name from
dialogue. |
Toh'Kaht |
Vor'cha-class |
The Klingon ship Toh'Kaht, under the command of Captain Tel'Peh, exploded in 2369
shortly after returning through the Bajoran wormhole from an exploratory
mission into the Gamma Quadrant. The Toh'Kaht was the victim of telepathic
energy spheres from the Saltah'na civilization. DS9 Dramatis
Personae.Name from
dialogue. Class visually identified. |
T'Ong |
D-7 class (refit) |
This Klingon deep-space
exploratory cruiser was launched in 2290 under the command of Captain K'Temok. Because of the extended nature of the mission, the entire crew
spent most of the transit time in hibernation. The return of the ship to Klingon space in 2365 was a matter of concern because the ship had been
launched in an era when the two respective governments were at war. It was
feared that the crew of the T'Ong would believe that a state of war still
existed, and that they might therefore attack the first Federation ship
they encountered. Federation Emissary K'Ehleyr helped avert such a crisis
by working with Enterprise-D Security Chief Worf to gain command of the T'Ong before any hostilities could occur. TNG The Emissary.The T'Ong was a re-use of Klingon battle cruiser footage originally
produced for Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Name from
Class visually identified. |
Vor'cha |
Vor'cha-class |
Prototype of the Klingon
The Vor'cha-class was designed by
Rick Sternbach.
The term "Vor'cha-class" was
first mentioned in the DS9
episode "The Way of the Warrior". |
Vorn |
This Bird of Prey transported Klingon
High Council member Duras to a rendezvous with the Enterprise-D in 2367. Duras was aboard the Vorn when Lt. Worf discovered that Duras had murdered K'Ehleyr. Worf, claiming the right of vengeance, killed Duras aboard the Vorn. TNG Reunion.Name from
dialogue. |
Vor'nak |
Vor'cha-class |
In early 2374, the Klingon ship Vor'nak, under the
command of General Tanas,
rendezvoused with the Rotarran to transfer five crew replacements to the Rotarran. DS9
Sons and Daughters.Name from
dialogue. |
Ya'Vang |
DS9 You Are Cordially Invited. DS9 Penumbra.Name from
dialogue. |
Y'tem |
Klingon Bird-of-Prey was part of the combined Federation and Klingon fleet
amassed at DS9 in 2373 to meet an anticipated Dominion invasion force.
DS9 By Inferno's Light.Name from
dialogue. |
??? |
Toron-class |
TNG Gambit, Part 2.Class from
dialogue. |