Miscellaneous ships & shuttles
= non-canon information
Batris |
The Batris, a Talarian cargo vessel, was hijacked by
renegade Klingons in 2364. The ship destroyed the Klingon cruiser T'Acog
and exploded shortly after three of the
hijackers were rescued by an away team from the U.S.S. Enterprise-D. TNG Heart of
Glory.The Batris was a modification of a Visitor freighter
from the miniseries V. The Batris itself was further modified and seen as
a variety of other freighters in later episodes, presumably suggesting
that it is a design in use by many different planets. The Batris was built
by Greg Jein.
Name from
dialogue. |
Baxial |
Name from dialogue. |
Calondon |
A Kressari freighter. DS9 The Circle.Name from
dialogue. |
Cleponji |
Cleponji was an ancient Promellian battle cruiser under the command of
Captain Galek Sar. It was discovered in the asteroid belt near Orelious IX
by the Enterprise-D in 2366. Although the war between the Promellians and
the Menthars had destroyed both civilizations a thousand years ago, the
Cleponji survived in nearly perfect condition, surrounded by the deadly
aceton assimilators that killed its crew. The Cleponji was destroyed by the
Enterprise-D in a torpedo spread designed to destroy the aceton assimilators.
TNG Booby Trap.
The Promellian battle cruiser was designed by Steve Burg and built by Ron
Thornton for "The Night of the Creeps". Name from
Dorian |
The transport vessel
Dorian was attacked
near planet Rekag-Seronia in 2369 while attempting to deliver Ambassador Ves
Alkar to that planet in hopes of mediating peace there.
TNG Man of the People.The Dorian was a re-dress of the Straleb ship originally built for TNG The Outrageous Okona.
Name from
dialogue. |
Erstwhile |
Class 9 |
This interplanetary cargo
vessel, under the command of Captain Thadiun Okona, was only armed with lasers.
In 2365, the Enterprise-D lent assistance to the
Erstwhile when it experienced a hardware malfunction near the Omega Sagitta
system. TNG The
Outrageous Okona.The Erstwhile model was a modification of the Batris from TNG
Heart of Glory.
Name and class from
dialogue. |
Gomtuu |
This ancient, spaceborne organism was the last of a
species of living spacecraft that shared symbiotic relationships with their
crews. Gomtuu's crew died when radiation from an explosion penetrated its
skin. Gomtuu was a social being, and with no fellow creatures remaining and
with no crew to care for, it became lonely. Wandering aimlessly for
millennia, Gomtuu finally decided to die at Beta Stromgren. First contact
specialist Tam Elbrun, sent to establish relations with Gomtuu, found the
living spaceship to be a kindred spirit, and the two new friends went off
into the unknown together. TNG Tin Man.Name from dialogue. |
Jovis |
The Jovis was a Zibalian trade vessel owned by Kivas
Fajo. It was a relatively small vessel with a maximum speed of warp 3. Data
was kidnapped and imprisoned aboard the Jovis in 2366. TNG The Most Toys.
The Jovis miniature was designed and built by Tony Meininger.
Name from dialogue.
Kallisko |
This transport ship from planet Boreal
III was attacked by the Crystalline Entity near the Brechtian Cluster in
2368. TNG Silicon Avatar.The
Kallisko was a re-use of the Jovis from TNG The Most Toys.
Name from
dialogue. |
Merchantman |
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. |
Mondor |
Pakled vessel. TNG
Samaritan Snare.Name from
dialogue. |
Nanut |
The Tygarian freighter Nanut docked at Deep
Space 9 in 2370, before a 2-year mission to the Gamma Quadrant. While at DS9, Li Nalas was discovered aboard the Nanut, hoping to escape his fame. DS9 The
Name from
dialogue. |
Nenebek 2066 |
The Nenebek, a mining shuttle from Pentarus V, was piloted by
Captain Dirgo, who was quite proud of the vessel, despite its advanced age
and somewhat substandard maintenance. Dirgo and the Nenebek were sent by
the government of Pentarus V to transport Captain Picard and Ensign
Crusher to a labour mediation on the planet in 2367. During their flight, a
serious malfunction forced the Nenebek to crash on Lambda Paz, one of the
moons of Pentarus II. TNG Final Mission.The Nenebek was designed by Joseph Hodges and Rick Sternbach. It was later re-dressed and served as several
other ships,
including Rasmussen's time-travel pod from TNG A Matter of Time, the Taris
Murn from TNG The Outcast, Jaglom
Shrek's Yridian craft from TNG Birthright, and Koral's Toron-class Klingon shuttlecraft from TNG Gambit.
Name from
Registration number from
screenshot. |
Q'Maire |
In 2367, this Talarian warship, commanded by Capt. Endar,
intercepted the U.S.S. Enterprise-D in Sector 21947, near a disabled Talarian observation craft. The Q'Maire, along with two sister ships,
surrounded the Enterprise-D in the hopes of forcing the release of Endar's
adoptive son, Jono. The Q'Maire was equipped with limited weaponry,
including neutral particle weapons, X-ray lasers, and merculite rockets, and
was thus not a serious tactical threat. TNG Suddenly Human.
The Q'Maire miniature was designed by Rick Sternbach
and built by Tony Meininger. Name from dialogue.
Reyab |
This Kobliad transport ship carried Kobliad security
officer Ty Kajada and her prisoner Rao Vantika. The Reyab caught fire near Bajoran space in 2369. A runabout from station Deep Space 9 repsonded to the Reyab's distress call. DS9 The Passenger.
Name from
dialogue. Class
visually identified. |
Sanction |
In 2364, the Ornaran freighter Sanction, under the
command of Captain T'Jon, was
destroyed above planet Brekka when a drive-coil malfunction made it
impossible for the ship to maintain a stable orbit. Although the malfunction
was fairly minor, the Ornarans' technical ignorance made the problem
disastrous. The Sanction had been carrying a cargo of the narcotic substance felicium, which the Ornarans believed essential to their survival. TNG
The Sanction model was a modification of the Batris from TNG
Heart of Glory.
Name from
dialogue. |
Sherval Das |
This Valerian vessel docked at Deep Space 9 for
maintenance in 2369. Major Kira Nerys believed the Sherval Das was carrying
chemical dolamide explosives intended for use in Cardassian weapons. Prior
to its arrival at DS9, the Sherval Das visited planets Fahleena III, Mariah
IV, and Ultima Thule. This route was believed to be the same one the
Valerians used previously when shipping dolamide to the Cardassians. DS9
Dramatis Personae.
Name from dialogue. |
Murn |
This J'naii shuttle was lost inside an
area of null space in the J'naii system in 2368. The Taris Murn had a crew
of two, who, despite the loss of all electromagnetic power into the null
space, remained alive long enough to be rescued by a shuttlecraft from the
Enterprise-D. TNG The Outcast.The miniature of the Taris Murn,
seen only briefly, was a re-use of the Nenebek model originally built for
the TNG episode "Final Mission".
Name from dialogue.
Traitor's Claw |
The Slaver Weapon.
Name from dialogue. |
Val Jean |
Ju'day-class |
Maquis ship under the command of Chakotay until 2371. VOY Caretaker. |
Xhosa |
Antares-class |
Kasidy Danielle Yates. DS9 The Way of the Warrior. DS9 For the Cause.Name from dialogue. |
??? |
Theta-class |
DS9 Vortex.Class from
dialogue. |
??? YLT-3069 |
Yridian vessel. TNG Birthright,
Part 1. |