Starfleet ships A-Z
= non-canon information
U.S.S. Eagle |
In 2267, the Eagle was attacked by Orion pirates
who attempted to sabotage the Babel Conference. The ship suffered heavy
damage but was able to defeat the Orions. TOS Journey to Babel. In 2293, the Eagle
was on a colony resupply mission. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.Named after the US Coast Guard's famous
steel-hulled sail-powered training vessel, as well as for the Lunar module
of Apollo 11. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Eagle is a
Constitution-class vessel with the registry NCC-956. This is ridiculous, as its registry is to
low for being a ship of this class. According to Bjo Trimble's Concordance, the Eagle
appeared on a computer display in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Name
script. |
U.S.S. Elkins NCC-74121 |
Elkins was one of several ships
damaged in battle against forces of the Dominion in early 2374. DS9 A Time
to Stand.Named after Judy
Elkins, a VFX coordinator on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Name and NCC from studio model.
Side-view of the
Elkins. |
U.S.S. Emden
NCC-1856 |
The Emden was
on Neutral Zone patrol in 2293. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
Named after Swiss physicist Robert Emden (1862-1940). According to Bjo
Trimble's Concordance, the Emden appeared on a computer display. Judging by
the registry number, the ship could be a Miranda-class vessel. |
Emidazu |
When Counsellor Troi suffered from hallucinations in 2370, she
thought that Lt. Walter Pierce served aboard this ship prior to his
assignment to the Enterprise-D. TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Name from a
computer display. The ship is most likely not named Emidazu but that's
my best guess. |
U.S.S. Endeavor |
In 2267, the Endeavor was
assigned to Altair VI for the inauguration of their new president. TOS
Amok Time. In 2293, the Endeavor was on a deep space exploration mission. Star
Trek VI: The Undiscovered
Country. The ST Encyclopedia
speculates that the Endeavour is a Constitution-class vessel with the
registry NCC-1895.
According to Bjo Trimble's Concordance, the Endeavor appeared on a
computer display in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Name from
script. |
U.S.S. Endeavour
NCC-71805 |
In 2368, the
served as part of the tachyon detection grid to blockade Romulan ships supplying the Duras family forces in the Klingon civil war. TNG Redemption,
Part 2. The Endeavour was stationed in
the Cleon sector later in 2368 when Enterprise-D crew members were
controlled by Ktarian operatives seeking to gain control of Starfleet. TNG The Game.
Captain Amasov, commanding officer of the USS Endeavour, had first-hand
experience with the Borg before 2371. VOY Scorpion.
In 2373, the Endeavour was part of the Starfleet armada that intercepted a Borg cube
at Earth on stardate 50893.
Star Trek: First Contact.Named after British explorer
James Cook's flagship, as well as for the NASA space shuttle. Name from
dialogue. NCC from a computer display
(ST Encyclopedia).
The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Endeavour
is a Nebula-class vessel. |
U.S.S. Entente
NCC-2120 |
Trek: The Motion Picture.Name and NCC from
dialogue. According to the Starfleet Technical Manual, the Entente is a
Federation-class dreadnought. |
U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701 |
Constitution-class/Enterprise-class |
Perhaps the most famous spacecraft
in the history of space exploration.
Launched in 2245, the Enterprise was first commanded by Captain Robert
April. TAS The Counter-Clock Incident. Then by Captain Christopher Pike.
Star Trek: The Cage. The ship achieved legendary
status during the five-year mission commanded by Captain James T. Kirk
from 2264 to 2270. TOS. DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations. The original Starship Enterprise was refitted several
times during its lifetime, most notably in 2273, when virtually every
major system was upgraded, a new bridge module was installed, and the
warp-drive nacelles were replaced. Star Trek: The Motion Picture. The ship was destroyed by James Kirk in
2285, just prior to its scheduled retirement, in order to prevent the ship
from falling into Klingon hands during a rescue mission to recover the
body of Captain Spock. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.Named after the American
World War II aircraft carrier U.S.S. Enterprise CV-6. The
original Enterprise was a Constitution-class vessel. This was
mentioned by Picard in TNG The Naked Now and TNG
Relics. Moreover there is a
computer display in
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock with a mention of the ship's class.
The refitted Enterprise was an Enterprise-class vessel. This was
established on a
wall label
in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-A |
Enterprise-class |
Launched in 2286 from the San
Francisco Fleet Yards, the Enterprise-A was placed under
the command of Captain James Kirk by the Federation Council and Starfleet
Command in appreciation for Kirk's role in saving planet Earth from the
destructive effects of an alien space probe. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
Although shakedown tests and
system installations under the aegis of Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott
had not been completed, the Enterprise-A was rushed into service in early
2287 to intervene in a hostage situation at planet Nimbus III. Star
Trek V: The Final Frontier. The ship,
under the reluctant command of Captain Kirk, was pressed back into service
to escort Klingon Chancellor Gorkon to Earth for a peace conference.
Although the scheduled talks were cancelled after the assassination of Gorkon, the Enterprise-A and her crew were instrumental in the success of
the historic Khitomer peace conference shortly thereafter. The
Enterprise-A was scheduled to be decommissioned shortly after the Khitomer
conference. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
Although it was
established in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan that the Constitution-class refit was called
Enterprise-class, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country showed us
"Enterprise-class" was the intention of the ship's designer, Andrew Probert,
I'll go with that. |
U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-B |
Excelsior-class |
The U.S.S. Enterprise-B was launched from a Spacedock orbiting Earth in 2293, with Captain John Harriman in command.
Its maiden voyage was planned as a publicity junket consisting of a brief
trip out past Pluto. Dignitaries aboard the Enterprise-B for the occasion
included Captain James T. Kirk, Captain Montgomery Scott, and Commander Pavel Chekov. During this flight, the Enterprise-B responded to an
emergency distress call from two El-Aurian transport ships en route to
Earth. The ships were trapped in the nexus energy ribbon and were on the
verge of structural collapse. Problems with Enterprise-B equipment
prevented the rescue of one El-Aurian ship, but some 47 passengers from
the second ship, the S.S. Lakul, were transported to safety just before
the Lakul exploded. Among those rescued were scientist Dr. Tolian Soran
and future Enterprise-D crew member Guinan. Captain James T. Kirk was
missing and believed killed in the incident. Kirk had been making emergency
modifications to the Enterprise-B deflector system, permitting the ship to
escape the ribbon. It was later learned that Kirk had not been killed, but
rather had been swept into the nexus. Star Trek: Generations.Name from
NCC from a screenshot.
Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-C |
Ambassador-class |
The Enterprise-C was lost and presumed
destroyed near Narendra III in 2344. In that year, this ship, commanded
by Captain Rachel Garrett, responded to a distress call from the Klingon
outpost on Narendra III. The outpost was under a massive Romulan attack.
During the battle, a torpedo explosion opened a temporal rift, and the
Enterprise-C was sent some 22 years forward in time. This proved to be a
focal point in history. With the Enterprise-C gone from the
"normal" timeline, an alternate timeline was formed, in which
the Federation and the Klingon Empire engaged in an extended war. The
Federation was near defeat by 2366, when the Enterprise-C emerged from the
rift, encountering the Enterprise-D. It was soon realized that the
Enterprise-C had to return to its proper time if history was to be
restored and the terrible war with the Klingons was to be averted. The
tragedy of the war was emphasized when a Klingon attack resulted in the
death of Captain Garrett, after which Enterprise-C officer Lieutenant JG Richard Castillo agreed to assume command of the ship and return it to
2344. Enterprise-D officer Natasha Yar, who was still alive in this
timeline, volunteered to return with Castillo to help defend Narendra III against the Romulans. All Enterprise-C personnel understood
that returning to the past was a virtual suicide mission because of the
intensity of the Romulan attack on Narendra III. Once the Enterprise-C
returned through the temporal rift, the time flow returned to normal, and
history was restored to its proper shape. TNG Yesterday's Enterprise.Name from
NCC from studio model (Alexander DeLarge, EAS). Class from computer display
(ST:TNG The Continuing Mission, Mark Delgado). |
U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-D |
Galaxy-class |
The ship was placed under the command of
Captain Jean-Luc Picard on a mission of deep-space exploration and
diplomacy. The ship was severely damaged in the Borg encounter of early
2367, and had to undergo six weeks of repair work at Earth Station
McKinley. The Enterprise-D was briefly commanded by Captain Edward Jellico
in early 2369 when Captain Picard was assigned to a covert Starfleet
mission on planet Celtris III. In the anti-time future created by Q, the
Enterprise-D was not destroyed at Veridian III, but remained in service
until at least 2395, when Admiral William Riker had saved the ship from
being decommissioned, by making it his personal flagship. In this future,
the Enterprise-D had undergone significant modifications, including the
addition of a third warp nacelle. TNG. The Prokofiev was dispatched
to the border of the Federation-Cardassian Demilitarized Zone in 2370, following the arrest
of Starfleet officer Miles O'Brien. DS9 Tribunal. The Starship Enterprise-D was destroyed in
2371 during a mission to prevent a deranged scientist from destroying the Veridian system. During the mission, the Enterprise-D took a direct hit
from a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, causing the loss of antimatter containment.
Cmdr. William Riker ordered an emergency saucer separation, and Cmdr.
Deanna Troi was successful in manoeuvring the Saucer Module to a relatively
safe distance, just before the ship's stardrive section exploded. The
resulting concussion knocked the saucer module out of orbit, but Troi was
successful in piloting the vessel to a soft landing on the surface of
planet Veridian III. Star Trek: Generations. DS9 Emissary. DS9
Q-Less. DS9 Defiant.
DS9 Heart of Stone. DS9 The Way of the Warrior. DS9
Hippocratic Oath. DS9 Crossfire. DS9 Bar Association.
DS9 Rules of Engagement. DS9 Sons and Daughters. DS9 Change of
Heart. DS9 Image in
the Sand.Name from
NCC from dedication
plaque (The Art of
Star Trek). Class from a screenshot. |
U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-E |
Sovereign-class |
The Enterprise-E was launched in 2372 and was
the most advanced starship in the fleet at the time. The Enterprise-E,
under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, was among the ships defending Sector
001 against the Borg incursion of 2373, and was partially assimilated by
the Borg. Star Trek: First Contact. Star Trek: Insurrection.
VOY Life Lines. Star Trek: Nemesis.Name and NCC from screenshot. Class from
U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-J |
U.S.S. Equinox
NCC-72381 |
Nova-class |
Rudy Ransom
(2375-2376). VOY Equinox, Part 1 & 2.According to Mike Okuda, the Equinox was built at Utopia Planitia
Fleet Yards and launched on stardate 47007.1. The dedication plaque bore the
quote "The night of time far surpasseth
the day. - Sir Thomas Browne, 1658". There are rumours that the plaque
may have indicated the ship to be a Noble-class vessel.
Name and class from dialogue. NCC from CGI model. |
U.S.S. Essex
NCC-173 |
Daedalus-class |
The Essex, under the
command of Captain Bryce Shumar, was reported lost in
2167. The Essex was caught in an electromagnetic storm in the atmosphere
of a Class-M moon of planet Mab-Bu VI. The storm had been caused by
non-corporeal criminal life-forms from the Ux-Mal system who had hoped to
escape aboard the Essex. The ship was destroyed and all 229 members of the
crew were killed. In 2368, the Enterprise-D encountered beings who claimed
to be members of the Essex-crew, marooned there since 2167. These beings
were in fact the Ux-Mal criminals, who sought to escape by commandeering
the Enterprise-D. TNG Power Play.Name, NCC, and class from
dialogue. |
U.S.S. Essex |
In 2267, the Essex was
attacked by Orion pirates who attempted to sabotage the Babel Conference.
The ship suffered heavy damage but was able to defeat the Orions. TOS
Journey to Babel.Name from
script. |
U.S.S. Excalibur |
Constitution-class |
In 2267, the Excalibur was
assigned to Altair VI for the inauguration of their new president. TOS
Amok Time. The Excalibur,
under the command of Captain Harris, was severely damaged and all crew
personnel killed in 2268 during a disastrous war-game drill with the M-5
computer. TOS The Ultimate Computer.Name from
dialogue and
script. Class
visually identified. According to the Starfleet Technical Manual, the
Excalibur's registry number is NCC-1705. |
U.S.S. Excalibur
NCC-26517 |
Ambassador-class |
In 2368, the
served as part of the tachyon detection grid to blockade Romulan ships supplying the Duras family forces in the Klingon civil war. During this assignment, Cmdr. William
Riker served as its captain and Lt. Cmdr. La Forge was his first officer.
TNG Redemption, Part 2.Name from
dialogue. NCC from a computer display
(ST Encyclopedia). Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Excelsior
NCC-2000 (formerly NX-2000) |
Excelsior-class |
The Excelsior was built
at the San Francisco Fleet Yards and launched on stardate 8205.5. The ship served under the command of Captain
Styles as the testbed vehicle for the unsuccessful transwarp drive
development project. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Star
Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Under the command of Captain Hikaru Sulu, the ship began a
three-year research mission in 2290, cataloging planetary atmospheric
anomalies. Upon successful completion of this mission, Sulu and the
Excelsior played a key role in the Khitomer peace conference of 2293. Once
the ship was awarded operational status, her registry number was changed
to NCC-2000. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
Just prior to the Khitomer peace conference, Captain Sulu
took the Excelsior on an unauthorized mission to rescue Captain Kirk and
Dr. McCoy. On the way to Qo'noS the Excelsior encountered several Klingon
battle cruisers and sustained heavy damage and casualties, prompting Sulu
to abort the rescue attempt. Serving aboard the Excelsior during the Khitomer incident was future Voyager crew member Tuvok. VOY Flashback.
In 2370, along
with the U.S.S. Nobel, the Excelsior took part in a search and rescue
mission for the U.S.S. Hera. TNG Interface.The
Excelsior-class was designed by Bill George.
Name from
NCC from a screenshot. Class
from dedication plaque (ST Encyclopedia
3). |
U.S.S. Exeter |
Constitution-class |
In 2268, when the ship,
under the command of Captain Ronald Tracey, was found orbiting
planet Omega IV, its entire crew was reduced to dehydrated crystals by an
ancient bacteriological warfare agent from the planet. TOS The Omega Glory.The Exeter was originally
called U.S.S. Argentina in an early draft of the script. Name from
dialogue. Class
visually identified. According to the Starfleet Technical Manual, the
Exeter's registry number is NCC-1706. |
U.S.S. Exeter
NCC-26531 |
Thomas Paris served aboard the Exeter prior to
his stay in the New Zealand Penal Settlement. VOY Non Sequitur. In
2374, the ship was part of the 9th Fleet
headquartered at starbase Deep Space 9. Around stardate 51247.5,
the Exeter submitted a resupply request to DS9. DS9 You Are Cordially Invited.
After a battle against the Dominion in 2374, the Exeter reported 3 crewmembers KIA, 2 crewmembers MIA, and 1 crewmember WIA. DS9 In
the Pale Moonlight.Name from
dialogue. NCC from a computer display
(Nemesis, DS9
Companion). The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Exeter is an
Ambassador-class vessel. |