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Starfleet ships A-Z

gray = non-canon information


  U.S.S. Raging Queen NCC-42284    
  The Raging Queen was one of several ships damaged in battle against forces of the Dominion in early 2374. DS9 A Time to Stand.

Named after the pirate vessel from John Belushi's TV show "Saturday Night Live". Name and NCC from studio model. Side-view of the Raging Queen. As you can see, the Raging Queen doesn't have "U.S.S." in its name but the ship has an NCC-registry, hence I assume it's Starfleet.



  U.S.S. Raman NCC-29487    
  The Raman was a Federation science vessel with a crew of seven, lost in the atmosphere of Marijne VII in 2370. The crew was killed by subspace life-forms living in the lower atmosphere of the planet. The Enterprise-D responded to a distress call from the Raman, but arrived too late to save the crew. TNG Interface.

Named after Indian physicist Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (1888-1970), who won the Nobel Prize in 1930. Name from dialogue. NCC from a computer display. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Raman is an Oberth-class vessel.



  U.S.S. Relativity    
  This ship was built at the University of Copernicus. The Relativity, under the command of Captain Braxton, was a 29th century timeship. VOY Relativity.

Name from dialogue. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Relativity is a Wells-class vessel with the registry NCC-474439-G.



  U.S.S. Reliant NCC-1864


  In 2285, the Reliant, under the command of Captain Terrell, was assigned to survey planets in the Mutara sector in support of Project Genesis. During the mission, the Reliant was destroyed when it was hijacked by Khan Noonien Singh. The ship had been on a scientific mission and was surveying planet Ceti Alpha V, on which Khan had been marooned. Khan had left the Reliant's crew behind on Ceti Alpha V. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Name from dialogue. NCC from a screenshot. Class visually identified.



  U.S.S. Renaissance


  Prototype of the Renaissance-class.

The first mention of the Renaissance-class was on a computer display in the Enterprise-D's observation lounge.



  U.S.S. Renegade    
  The Renegade, under the command of Captain Tryla Scott, was one of the ships that met the Enterprise-D at Dytallix B when an alien intelligence attempted to take over Starfleet Command in 2364. TNG Conspiracy.

Name from dialogue. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Renegade is a New Orleans-class vessel with the registry number NCC-63102.



  U.S.S. Republic NCC-1371    
  James Kirk and Ben Finney served together on the Republic around 2250. Ensign Kirk once found Finney had left a circuit to the atomic matter piles open. Kirk logged the error, and Finney was sent to the bottom of the promotion list. TOS Court Martial. The Republic was on Neutral Zone patrol in 2293. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. After serving for decades in Starfleet, the Republic became a cadet-training vessel, rarely venturing out of the Terran system. DS9 Valiant.

Name and NCC from dialogue.



  U.S.S. Repulse NCC-2544


  In 2365, the Repulse, under the command of Captain Taggert, rendezvoused with the Enterprise-D to transfer Dr. Katherine Pulaski to her new assignment aboard the Enterprise. TNG The Child. TNG Unnatural Selection. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.

Named after the British battle cruiser that fought in Earth's World War II. Name from dialogue. NCC from a screenshot. Class visually identified.



  U.S.S. Revere NCC-595    
  The Revere was ordered to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Columbia by Commodore Probert. Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Name and NCC from dialogue. According to the Starfleet Technical Manual, the Revere is a Hermes-class vessel.



  U.S.S. Rhode Island NCC-72701



In 2403, the Rhode Island, under the command of Captain Harry Kim, fought against two Klingon Negh'Var-class ships to help Admiral Kathryn Janeway travelling back in time, although their order was to intercept her. VOY Endgame.

Named after the U.S. state Rhode Island. Name from dialogue. NCC was confirmed by Rob Bonchune of Foundation Imaging, the company that did the CGI work for the VOY episode "Endgame". Class visually identified.




  U.S.S. Rio Grande NCC-72452


  The Rio Grande was one of three runabouts originally assigned to station DS9. DS9 Emissary. In 2369, the Rio Grande responded to the distress call of the Kobliad transport vessel Reyab, which had caught fire near Bajoran space. DS9 The Passenger. DS9 Vortex. DS9 The Search, Part 2. DS9 The Sword of Kahless. The Rio Grande transported Capt. Sisko and Lt. Cmdr. Dax to a meeting with Starfleet Command in 2373. The runabout was attacked and severly damaged by Klingons on its way back to Deep Space 9. DS9 Apocalypse Rising. DS9 The Assignment. DS9 The Ascent. DS9 The Darkness and the Light. The Rio Grande was to have been used in the massive response to an anticipated Dominion invasion of the Alpha Quadrant in 2373. DS9 By Inferno's Light. DS9 Shadows and Symbols. DS9 Treachery, Faith and the Great River. DS9 When It Rains....

Named after a river in North America. Name from dialogue. NCC from studio model. Class visually identified.



  U.S.S. Roosevelt    
  The Roosevelt was one of the 39 Federation ships destroyed by the Borg during the Battle of Wolf 359. Dr. Riley Frazier was a science officer aboard the Roosevelt before she was assimilated by the Borg. VOY Unity.

Named after Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd president of the United States. Name from dialogue. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Roosevelt is an Excelsior-class vessel with the registry number NCC-2573.



  U.S.S. Rubicon NCC-72936


  DS9 Family Business. Doctor Bashir and Chief O'Brien used the Rubicon to conduct a bio-survey of Merik III just prior to stardate 49055.5. Shortly thereafter, the Rubicon was forced to make an emergency landing on planet Bopak III after a group of Jem'Hadar hit the runabout with a subspace magneton pulse. After being held prisoners by a group of Jem'Hadar led by Goran'Agar, Bashir and O'Brien returned to station DS9 aboard the Rubicon. DS9 Hippocratic Oath. DS9 Accession. On stardate 51474.2, the Rubicon was used to investigate a rare subspace compression anomaly discovered in Federation space. The runabout, piloted by Jadzia Dax, Julian Bashir and Miles O'Brien, entered the phenomenon and where subjected to severe spatial distortion. The phenomenon miniaturized the ship, reducing the crew to the height of about one centimetre. This extraordinary condition enabled the Rubicon crew to play a pivotal role in recapturing the Starship Defiant from a Jem'Hadar squad. Later re-entering the anomaly restored the Rubicon to normal size. DS9 One Little Ship.

Named after the river in Italy that was of strategic importance to Caesar in 49 B.C. Name and class from dialogue. Name and class from dialogue. NCC from studio model.



  U.S.S. Rutledge    
  This ship was commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell during the war between the Federation and the Cardassians. Future Enterprise-D crew member Miles O'Brien served aboard the Rutledge as tactical officer. The Rutledge responded to a Cardassian attack on the Federation outpost at Setlik III, but was too late to prevent the massacre. TNG The Wounded. In early 2373, the Rutledge and the Starship Tecumseh were ordered to conduct a counterattack against Klingon forces in the Archanis sector. DS9 Nor the Battle to the Strong. DS9 Tribunal.

Named after Edward Rutledge (1749-1800), a signer of the Declaration of Independence, as well as for John Rutledge (1739-1800), a signer of the U.S. Constitution. Name from dialogue. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Rutledge is a New Orleans-class vessel with the registry number NCC-57295.





Last updated: August 15, 2004
