Starfleet ships A-Z
= non-canon information
U.S.S. Pasteur
NCC-58925 |
Hope-class |
Pasteur was built at the Marin County Starfleet Yards. In the anti-time reality devised by Q, the
Pasteur, under the command of Captain Beverly Picard, crossed into the Romulan Neutral Zone in order to investigate an
anomaly Jean-Luc Picard believed existed there. While in the Zone, the
Pasteur came under fire by two Klingon attack cruisers. The ship suffered
a warp-core breach as a result of the attack and was destroyed. TNG All
Good Things....
The dedication plaque bore the registry NCC-58928, while the model was
labelled NCC-58925. Name from
dialogue. NCC from
studio model (EAS,
Star Trek Mechanics). Class from
dedication plaque. |
U.S.S. Pegasus NCC-53847 |
Oberth-class |
The Pegasus was a prototype ship, used as a testbed for many new systems designs, many of which were later used in the
design of the Galaxy-class starships. While it was not widely known at the
time, the Pegasus was also used a testing ground for an experimental
phasing cloak, in direct violation of the Treaty of Algeron. The Pegasus
crew protested the illegal test and eventually mutinied, forcing the
captain, Erik Pressman, and seven other crew members to escape the ship in a pod. Shortly
after the captain departed, the crew attempted to shut down the cloak. The
device malfunctioned, and the ship drifted in space, in a cloaked state
until it came to rest within the body of an asteroid in the Devolin
system. All members of the crew, save the seven who escaped, were lost
when the ship unphased, leaving parts of the ship open to vacuum and parts
encased in solid rock. TNG The Pegasus.Named after the famous winged
horse of Greek mythology. As this
proves, the Pegasus was originally intended to be a four-nacelled vessel. Budget considerations, however, forced the
producers to use the Grissom model from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Name from dialogue. NCC from a screenshot. Class visually identified. |
Peterson |
Anaanda Ziff served aboard this ship
prior to her assignment to the
Malone. TNG Eye of the Beholder.Named after Norm Peterson, a character from the TV
show "Cheers".
Name from a computer display. |
U.S.S. Philadelphia |
Alfonse D. Pacelli served aboard the
Philadelphia prior to his assignment to the U.S.S. Syracuse. TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Name from a computer display. |
U.S.S. Phoenix NCC-65420 |
Nebula-class |
This ship was built at the
40 Eridani-A Starfleet Construction Yards and launched on stardate 40250.5. In 2367, the ship was under the command of
Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Maxwell ordered an unauthorized
attack on Cardassian forces near Sector 21503. Two Cardassian ships and a Cardassian science station were destroyed by the Phoenix. Maxwell said his
actions were intended to prove his suspicions that the Cardassians had
been planning a new offensive against the Federation. Maxwell was
subsequently relieved of command of the Phoenix. TNG The Wounded.Named after Zefram
Cochrane's first warp ship. Name and class from
NCC from a computer display. |
U.S.S. Portland |
The Portland, along with a Cardassian cruiser,
searched the Algira sector for Odo and Garak, when their runabout became
missing in 2371 during the Romulan and Cardassian attack on the Founder's homeworld. DS9 The Die Is Cast.
Name from
dialogue. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Portland is a Chimera-class vessel with the
registry number NCC-57418. |
Potemkin |
Constitution-class |
The Potemkin was one of five starships that
participated in the disastrous test of the M-5 multitronic unit in 2268.
TOS The Ultimate Computer. The Potemkin was to rendezvous the
Enterprise at Beta Aurigae shortly after stardate 5928 to study
gravitational influences in that binary system, until Dr. Janice Lester, in
Kirk's body, changed the course. TOS Turnabout Intruder. TAS The Pirates
of Orion.
The Potemkin did scientific survey in 2293. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
Named after Russian general Grigory
Aleksandrovich Potemkin (1739-1791).
Name from dialogue. Class visually identified.
According to the Starfleet Technical Manual, the
Potemkin's registry number is NCC-1711. |
U.S.S. Potemkin |
Excelsior-class |
William T. Riker served aboard this vessel
prior to his assignments to the Hood. Riker once employed the
unconventional tactic of positioning the ship over a planet's magnetic
pole, thus making the ship difficult to detect by an opponent's sensors.
TNG Peak Performance. Riker took up poker so he
could be in the officer's game at the Potemkin. TNG
Lower Decks. In 2361, as a Lieutenant aboard the Potemkin, Riker led an away team to
evacuate the science outpost on planet Nervala IV, and subsequently was
promoted to lieutenant commander and commended for "exceptional
valour" on the mission. It was not realized until later that a
duplicate of Riker had been created in a transporter malfunction during
the evacuation. TNG Second Chances. During the same year, the Potemkin was the last Federation starship to make contact with the failed Turkana IV colony, prior to the
Enterprise-D's mission there in 2367. Potemkin personnel were warned by
the colony's ruling cadres not to transport to the surface, or they would
be killed. TNG Legacy. The Potemkin rendezvoused with the
Enterprise-D on stardate
45587 to transfer Dr. Toby Russell to the Enterprise-D. TNG Ethics.
In 2374, the ship was part of the 9th Fleet
headquartered at starbase Deep Space 9. Around stardate 51247.5,
the Potemkin completed repairs and rejoined the fleet. You Are Cordially
Name from
Class visually identified. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Potemkin's registry number is NCC-18253. |
U.S.S. Princeton NCC-59804 |
Princeton was one of the 39 Federation ships destroyed by the
Borg during the Battle of Wolf 359. TNG The Best of Both Worlds,
Part 2. The wreckage
of the ship was relegated to a surplus depot in orbit
around planet Qualor II. TNG Unification, Part 1.
Name and NCC from studio model
(EAS, Masaki
Taniko). The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Princeton is a
Niagara-class vessel. |
U.S.S. Prokofiev |
The Prokofiev was dispatched to the border of
the Federation-Cardassian Demilitarized Zone in 2370, following the arrest
of Starfleet officer Miles O'Brien. DS9 Tribunal.
Named after 20th-century
Russian composer Sergey Prokofiev (1891-1953).
Name from dialogue.
The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Prokofiev is an Andromeda-class
vessel with the registry number NCC-68814. |
U.S.S. Prometheus
NCC-71201 |
Nebula-class |
This science ship,
under the command of Lt. JG Piersall, was used by terraformer Gideon
Seyetik for his project to reignite the dead sun Epsilon 119. DS9 Second Sight.The ship was named after the mythological
Greek Titan who stole fire from heaven for the benefit of mankind.
According to Larry Nemecek, the ship's dedication plaque bore the quote "Sometimes you feel like
a nut, sometimes you don't...".
Name from dialogue.
NCC from a
screenshot. Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Prometheus
NX-74913 |
Prometheus-class |
This ship was built at the Beta Antares Ship Yards and launched on stardate
50749.5. During one of the ship's first test flights, a
group of Romulans commandeered the starship, killing her crew. While
escaping Federation space, the Romulans used the ship's multivector
assault capability to enable them to elude pursuit by the Nebula-class
Federation starship Bonchune. Control of the ship was regained by the
on-board Emergency Medical Hologram with assistance from the holographic
Doctor from the Starship Voyager. VOY Message in a Bottle.
In 2377, the Prometheus was part of the
fleet to fight against a Borg sphere. The fleet escorted the U.S.S.
Voyager back to Earth after the destruction of the sphere. VOY Endgame.
Prometheus-class was designed by Rick Sternbach. The CGI model
labelled with NX-59650. The reason for the two different registries is that Mike
Okuda's scenic art department made the dedication plaque and MSD with the
NX-74913 registry, while the CGI art department, Foundation Imaging, created the
NX-59650 registry not knowing about the NX-74913 one (SWDAO).
Name from dialogue. NCC from MSD
(ST Encyclopedia 3). |
U.S.S. Proxima |
The Proxima became lost in the Gamma Quadrant
sometime prior 2373. It was believed that the ship and crew fell victim to
the Dominion. DS9 In Purgatory's Shadow.
Named after Proxima Centauri, a star 4.3 light years from Earth.
Name from dialogue. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Proxima is a
Nebula-class vessel with the registry number NCC-61952. |
U.S.S. Ptolemy
NCC-3801 |
Ptolemy-class |
Schematics of the Ptolemy appeared on a computer display in
the bridge simulator at Starfleet Academy. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The
same schematics also appeared on displays on the bridge of
the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
Name, NCC, and class
from a screenshot. This
computer display is from the Starfleet
Technical Manual.
Some will correctly point out that the part with "PTOLEMY CLASS" was
cut off due to the round display, but I'm not that pernickety. |
U.S.S. Pueblo |
Lt. Daniel L. Kwan served aboard the Pueblo
prior to his assignment to the U.S.S. Seaview. TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Name from a computer display. |