Starfleet ships A-Z
= non-canon information
U.S.S. Nash NCC-2010-5 |
Sydney-class |
In 2370, the Nash transported
Dr. Bashir and Trill initiate Arjin from Starbase 401 to Deep Space 9.
DS9 Playing God. In 2372, the Nash transported Keiko and Molly O'Brien
from Bajor to DS9. DS9 Accession. In 2373, the Nash transported two agents of the
Federation Department of Temporal Investigations, Dulmer and Lucsly, to
DS9. DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations.Named after Erik Nash, motion
control technician at Image G, who worked on a lot of visual effects
material for TNG, DS9 and VOY.
Name and NCC from studio model
(SoundEffect). Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Nautilus NCC-31910 |
Miranda-class |
The Nautilus fought in the combined fleet of
allied Alpha Quadrant forces that invaded Cardassian space at the Chin'toka System in late 2374. It was one of the two Mirandas escorting
the Defiant during the run on the moon. DS9 Tears of the Prophets.Named after the first
submarine to reach the North Pole, as well as for Captain Nemo's fictional
vessel in Jules Verne's classic novel "20,000 Leagues under the Sea".
Name and NCC were
confirmed by John Gross and Karen Sickles of Digital Muse, the company that did the CGI
work for the DS9 episode "Tears Of The Prophets". Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Nebula |
Nebula-class |
Prototype of the Nebula-class.
Nebula-class ships are slightly smaller than a Galaxy-class vessel.The Nebula-class was designed by Ed
Miarecki, Rick Sternbach, and Mike Okuda and built by Greg Jein.
The Nebula-class was first seen in
the TNG Episode "The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2" and
first mentioned in the TNG
Episode "The Wounded".
U.S.S. New Orleans |
New Orleans-class |
Prototype of the New
Orleans-class. The first mention of the
New Orleans-class was on a
computer display in the
Enterprise-D's observation lounge. |
U.S.S. Niels
Bohr |
Ensign Bruno Salvatore served aboard this ship prior to
his assignment to the Enterprise-D. TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Named after Danish physicist Niels Bohr (1885-1962), who was a scientist on the Manhattan Project.
Name from
computer display. |
U.S.S. Nobel NCC-55012 |
The Nobel, along with the U.S.S. Excelsior,
took part in a search-and-rescue mission for the U.S.S. Hera in 2370. TNG Interface.
After a battle against the Dominion in 2374, the Nobel, under the command of
Captain Margaret C. Clark, reported 1 crewmember KIA and 2 crewmembers MIA.
DS9 In The Pale Moonlight.Named after Swedish
chemist and inventor Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), founder of the Nobel Prize.
Name from dialogue. NCC from a computer display
(DS9 Companion, Nemesis). The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Nobel is
an Olympic-class vessel. |
U.S.S. Northridge |
Ensign Lois A. Eckridge served aboard this ship prior to
her assignment to the Enterprise-D. TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Named after the city of Northridge, California.
Name from a
computer display. |
Nova |
Nova-class |
Prototype of the Nova-class.
The Nova-class was designed by Rick Sternbach.
The first mention of the Nova-class was in the Voyager episode "Equinox". |
NCC-73515 |
In 2379, the Nova was part of battle group Omega. The
battle group was ordered to convene in Sector 1045 to stop the Reman warbird
Scimitar. Star Trek: Nemesis. Name and NCC from a
computer display. |