Starfleet ships A-Z
= non-canon information
U.S.S. Saladin
NCC-500 |
Saladin-class |
Schematics of the Saladin appeared on a computer display in
the bridge simulator at Starfleet Academy. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The
same schematics also appeared on displays on the bridge of
the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.Named after one of the most
famous of Muslim heroes who achieved final success with the capture of
Jerusalem in his wars against the Christian crusaders.
Name, NCC, and class from a
This computer display is from the
Technical Manual. Some will correctly point out that the part with "SALADIN CLASS" was cut off
due to the round display, but I'm not that pernickety. |
U.S.S. Sao Paulo NCC-75633 |
Defiant-class |
The ship was built at the
Utopia Planitia Ship Yards and launched on stardate 52889.3.
It was the replacement of the destroyed U.S.S. Defiant
NX-74205. The Chief of Starfleet Operations granted special dispensation to Captain Sisko
to change the name from Sao Paulo to Defiant. DS9 Dogs of War.Named for the people of Brazil.
Name from
dialogue. NCC from
dedication plaque.
Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Sarajevo NCC-38529 |
The Sarajevo became lost in the Gamma Quadrant sometime prior 2373. It was
believed that the ship and crew fell victim to the Dominion but it returned
from the Gamma Quadrant
sometime prior 2374. DS9 In Purgatory's Shadow. After a battle
against the Dominion in 2374, the Sarajevo, under the command of Captain
Phillip Jacobson, reported 8 crewmembers KIA, 2 crewmembers MIA, and 3
crewmembers WIA. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.
Named after the capital city of
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Name from dialogue. NCC from a
computer display
(Nemesis, DS9 companion).
The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Rutledge is an Istanbul-class vessel. |
U.S.S. Saratoga |
Miranda-class |
The Saratoga was disabled by an alien space
probe of unknown origin while patrolling the Neutral Zone. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.The Saratoga was a re-use
of the Reliant model originally built for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
Name from
Class visually identified. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the
Saratoga's registry number is NCC-1867. |
U.S.S. Saratoga
NCC-31911 |
Miranda-class |
The Saratoga was destroyed by the Borg at the
battle of Wolf 359 in 2367. Survivors of the destruction of the Saratoga
included the first officer, Lt. Cmdr. Benjamin Sisko, his son, Jake Sisko,
and the Bolian tactical officer. They were among the Saratoga personnel who fled the ship in escape pods.
The ship's captain, a Vulcan, was killed during the battle, as well as Ben Sisko's wife, Jennifer. DS9 Emissary.Name from
dialogue. NCC from a
screenshot. Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Saratoga |
In 2374, the Saratoga visited starbase DS9.
DS9 Wrongs Darker than Death or Night.Name from dialogue. |
U.S.S. Sarek |
The Sarek was part of the task force commanded
by Captain Sisko to retake station DS9 from Dominion control during the
Dominion war. It took the place of the Cortez which had problems with
the port nacelle. DS9 Favor the Bold.Named after the famous Vulcan
Ambassador Sarek.
Name from
dialogue. |
U.S.S. Scovil
NCC-1598 |
The Scovil did
astronomical research in 2293. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
Named after astronomer Charles Scovil. According to Bjo Trimble's
Concordance, the Scovil appeared on a computer display. |
U.S.S. Seaquest |
Lt. Darien
Wallace served aboard this ship
prior to his assignment to the Enterprise-D. TNG Eye of the Beholder.Named after the submarine
from the TV show "seaQuest DSV". Name from a computer display. |
U.S.S. Seaview |
Lt. Daniel L. Kwan served aboard the Seaview
prior to this assignment to the Enterprise-D. TNG Eye of the Beholder.Name from a computer display. |
U.S.S. Sentinel |
In 2375, Ensign Nog gave the Sentinel's crew a
phaser emitter in exchange for a graviton stabilizer.
DS9 Treachery, Faith and the Great River.Name
from dialogue. |
U.S.S. Shenandoah NCC-73024 |
Danube-class |
In 2374, Lt. Cmdr. Worf and Jadzia Dax took the
Shenandoah on a mission to extract a Cardassian defector from the Dominion
base on planet Soukara. The mission was a failure. DS9 Change of Heart. On stardate 51825,
Ensign Nog and Jake Sisko took the Shenandoah from Starbase 257 on a
mission to deliver an official diplomatic message to Grand Nagus Zek on
Ferenginar. En route the vessel was attacked by Jem'Hadar fighters. The
crew abandoned ship and were rescued by the Starship Valiant. DS9
Named after a river in North America.
Name from
NCC from screenshot. Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Shepard |
Trek IV: The Voyage Home.Named after NASA astronaut
Alan Shepard (1923-1998), who was the first American to fly in space and one
of only 12 humans who walked on the Moon.
The name of the captain is from the Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home script.
Name from
dialogue. |
U.S.S. Shiku Maru |
The Shiku Maru, under the
command of Captain Silvestri, encountered a Tamarian vessel
sometime before 2368. While the encounter was without incident, no
relations were established, as the two cultures could not communicate. TNG Darmok.
Name from
dialogue. |
U.S.S. ShirKahr NCC-31905 |
Miranda-class |
The ShirKahr fought in the combined fleet of
allied Alpha Quadrant forces that invaded Cardassian space at the Chin'toka System in late 2374 and was destroyed by orbital weapon
platforms employed by the Dominion. DS9 Tears of the Prophets.Named after a Vulcan city (Spock's hometown). Name and NCC were
confirmed by John Gross and Karen Sickles of Digital Muse, the company that did the CGI
work for the DS9 episode "Tears of the Prophets". Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Silversides |
When Counsellor Troi suffered from hallucinations in 2370, she
thought that Ensign Marla E. Finn served aboard the
Silversides prior to her assignment to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. TNG Eye of the Beholder.Name from a
computer display. |
U.S.S. Sitak |
Miranda-class |
In 2374, the Sitak was destroyed in the
daring-and costly mission-mission to retake station DS9 from Dominion
control, preventing a massive incursion of Dominion ships into the Alpha
Quadrant. DS9 Sacrifice of Angels.Name from
dialogue. Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Sovereign |
Sovereign-class |
Prototype of the
Sovereign-class. The
Sovereign-class was designed by John Eaves.
The first mention of the
Sovereign-class was on the Enterprise-E's dedication plaque in Star Trek: First Contact. |
U.S.S. Soyuz |
Soyuz-class |
Prototype of the Soyuz-class.Named after the Russian
spacecraft that shuttled cosmonauts up to the Salyut and Mir space stations. The first mention of the Soyuz-class was in the TNG episode
"Cause and Effect". |
U.S.S. Springfield
NCC-1963 |
The Springfield was
on Neutral Zone patrol in 2293. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.According to Bjo Trimble's Concordance, the
Springfield appeared on a computer display. |
U.S.S. Stargazer
NCC-2893 |
Constellation-class |
Lieutenant Jean-Luc Picard
was a bridge officer on the Stargazer when its captain was killed. Picard
took command of the bridge and was later offered command of the ship for his
actions. TNG Tapestry. During an exploratory mission to Sector
21503, the Stargazer was attacked by a Cardassian
warship and barely escaped.
TNG The Wounded. During Picard's command, the Stargazer visited the planet Chalna in 2354.
TNG Allegiance. The starship was destroyed
near the Maxia Zeta star system by what was later learned to be a Ferengi
vessel. Years later, the Ferengi Bok returned the hulk of the Stargazer to Picard as part of a plot to discredit Picard for what Bok believed to be Picard's part in Bok's son's death. TNG The Battle.
Following the loss of the Stargazer in 2355, Picard was court-martialed per
standard Starfleet procedure, but cleared of wrongdoing. The prosecutor in
the case was Phillipa Louvois, with whom Picard had been romantically
involved. TNG Measure of a Man. The Stargazer was under the
command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard from 2333 to 2355 on a historic mission
of deep-space exploration, prior to his assignment to the Enterprise-D. TNG Coming
of Age. TNG The Child. TNG Chain of Command.
The dedication plaque bore the quote "To bring light into the
Name, NCC and class from
dialogue. |
U.S.S. Strata |
Jason Stone commanded this geoterraforming
vessel in 2355. DS9 Field of Fire.Name from a
computer display. |
Sullivan |
When Counsellor Troi suffered from hallucinations in 2370, she
thought that Lt. Walter Pierce served aboard the Sullivan prior to his
assignment to the Emidazu. TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Name from a
computer display. |
U.S.S. Sutherland
NCC-72015 |
Nebula-class |
This ship was built at the San
Francisco Fleet Yards and launched on stardate 44820.5.
In 2368, the Sutherland, under the command of Lt. Cmdr.
served as part of the tachyon detection grid to blockade Romulan ships supplying the Duras family forces in the Klingon civil war. TNG Redemption,
Part 2. In 2374 the
Sutherland, under the command of Captain Shelby, was part of the 9th
Fleet headquartered at starbase Deep Space 9. Around stardate 51247.5,
the Sutherland submitted a resupply request to DS9. Lieutenant Manuele Atoa was part of the
ship's crew in 2374. DS9 You Are Cordially Invited. The Sutherland
was due to visit DS9 one day after stardate 51597.2. DS9 Change of Heart.Named after Horatio
Hornblower's ship in the classic C. S. Forester novels.
Name from dialogue. NCC from studio model
(NewSisko). Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Sydney |
Sydney-class |
Prototype of the Sydney-class.Named after a city in
The Sydney-class was a
modification of a shuttlecraft built by John Goodson of ILM for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. The modifications by Greg Jein added warp engines to the model.
The first mention of the Sydney-class was in the TNG episode
"Relics". |
U.S.S. Syracuse |
D. Pacelli served aboard the Syracuse prior to his assignment to the
Enterprise-D. TNG Eye of the Beholder.
Name from a
computer display. |