Starfleet ships A-Z
= non-canon information
U.S.S. Valdemar |
The Valdemar was dispatched to the border of
the Federation-Cardassian Demilitarized Zone in 2370, following the arrest
of Starfleet officer Miles O'Brien. DS9 Tribunal.
Name from
The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Valdemar
is an Ambassador-class vessel with the registry number NCC-26198. |
U.S.S. Valiant |
Federation starship that contacted the planet
Eminiar VII in 2217 and was destroyed. The Valiant declared a casualty in
the 500-year-old war between planets Eminiar VII and Vendikar. TOS A
Taste of Armageddon.Name from
dialogue. The ST
Encyclopedia speculates that the Valiant's registry number is NCC-1223. |
U.S.S. Valiant NCC-20000 |
Oberth-class |
The Valiant was one of three starships that transported the crew of the
Enterprise-D from Veridian III after the Enterprise-D saucer section
crash-landed there in 2371. Star Trek: Generations.Class visually identified. According to rumours, Name and NCC
were seen in an ILM TV
documentation. |
U.S.S. Valiant NCC-74210 |
Defiant-class |
The Valiant was built at
the Antares Ship Yards and launched on stardate 49456.5. In 2374, the Valiant, under the command of
Captain Ramirez, undertook a training voyage to circumnavigate the
Federation with a crew consisting of cadets from Starfleet Academy's Red
Squad. The ship was caught behind enemy lines when the Dominion war broke
out. Shortly thereafter, Ramirez and the entire senior staff were killed
in a battle with a Cardassian battle cruiser near El Gatark. Cadet Tim
Watters subsequently assumed command of the vessel, continuing the Valiant's mission for nearly eight months with a crew consisting entirely
of Red Squad members. Under Watter's command, the Valiant was destroyed
and nearly the entire crew killed on stardate 51825.4 when Watters took
the ship on an impossible mission to single-handedly destroy a massive
Dominion battleship. DS9 Valiant.Name and NCC from
dialogue. Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Valiant NCC-75418 |
In 2379, the Valiant was part of battle group Omega. The
battle group was ordered to convene in Sector 1045 to stop the Reman warbird
Scimitar. Star Trek: Nemesis.Name and NCC
from a
computer display.
Judging by the registry number, the ship could be a Defiant-class vessel |
U.S.S. Valley Forge
NCC-43305 |
Excelsior-class |
The Valley Forge fought in the combined fleet
of allied Alpha Quadrant forces that invaded Cardassian Space at the Chin'toka
System in late 2374. The Valley Forge was seriously damaged by orbital
weapon platforms employed by the Dominion. DS9 Tears
of the Prophets.Named after the site in
Pennsylvania where General George Washington's troops spent a bitter winter
during the American Revolutionary War.
Name and NCC from a screenshot.
Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Venture NCC-71854 |
Galaxy-class |
The Venture was the lead ship in
Admiral Hastur's relief
force of starships sent by Starfleet in 2372 to help station DS9 deal with
the Klingon invasion of Cardassian space. Admiral Hastur led the relief
force and probably embarked on the Venture. DS9 The Way of the Warrior.
In 2374, the Venture participated in the daring and costly mission to retake
station DS9 from Dominion control, preventing a massive incursion of
Dominion ships into the Alpha Quadrant. The Venture was supposed to protect
the Defiant's starboard flank. DS9 Sacrifice of Angels.
The Venture and four Galaxy-class ships fought in the
combined fleet of allied Alpha-Quadrant forces that invaded Cardassian
space at the Chin'toka-System in late 2374.
DS9 Tears of the Prophets.Name from
dialogue. NCC from studio model (IDIC
Page). Class visually identified. |
U.S.S. Veracruz |
The Veracruz transported relief troops to AR-558, and
shipped out casualties to Starbase 371.
DS9 The Siege of AR-558.Name from dialogue. |
U.S.S. Victory NCC-9754 |
Constellation-class |
In 2363, a Victory
away team was sent to the surface of planet Tarchannen III to investigate
the disappearance of 49 Federation personnel. It was not realized at the
time that all five members of that team were infected with an alien DNA
strand that would compel them to return to Tarchannen III five years later.
TNG Identity Crisis. Geordi La Forge served as an ensign aboard the
Victory, under the command of Captain Zimbata, prior to his assignment to the Enterprise-D.
TNG Elementary, Dear Data. After a battle against the Dominion in
2374, the Victory reported 1 crewmember KIA, 2 crewmembers MIA, and 1
crewmember WIA. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.Named after Lord Nelson's
flagship, that fought at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Name from
dialogue. NCC from a
computer display
(Captain's Chair). Class visually identified.
U.S.S. Volga |
Danube-class |
The Volga was a runabout assigned to DS9. In 2372, Major Kira,
Doctor Bashir, and Keiko O'Brien used the Volga to journey to Torad IV to
conduct a three-day botanical survey. On the return trip, the ship
encountered an asteroid field which overwhelmed the ship's deflectors. A
large rock sideswiped the ship, and Keiko was severely injured. DS9 Body Parts. The
Volga was to have been used in the massive response to an anticipated
Dominion invasion of the Alpha Quadrant in 2373. DS9 By Inferno's Light.Named after a
river in Russia. Name from
dialogue. Class visually identified. The ST Encyclopedia speculates that the Volga's registry number is NCC-73196. |
U.S.S. Voyager
NCC-74656 |
Intrepid-class |
This ship was built at Earth Station McKinley and
launched on stardate 48038.5 from the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. In 2371, the Voyager,
under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, was violently
propelled into the Delta Quadrant by a powerful displacement wave
generated by the Caretaker. Stranded some 70,000 light-years from home,
Captain Janeway invited the crew of a similarly stranded Maquis vessel to
join the Voyager crew, and asked Maquis officer Chakotay to serve as her
second-in-command. At the time Voyager was swept into the Delta Quadrant,
it had been on a mission to pursue Chakotay's ship. Voyager lost contact
with Starfleet on stardate 48307.5. VOY.Name and class
from dialogue.
NCC from a
Dedication plaque. |